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Person content type for Plone

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collective.person provides a content type representing a Person.

Content Types

  • Person: A content type representing a person


name title description
collective.person.person Person Behavior Fields with basic person information
collective.person.user Link Person to Plone User Adapts a Person to link it to a Plone User
collective.person.namefromusername Name from username Use the username field as name (basis for the id)


id title Usage
collective.person.person.add collective.person: Add Person Control the creation of a new Person content item

Catalog Indexes

This package adds Indexes and Metadata to Portal Catalog.

Content Attribute Index Type Metadata Comment
roles KeywordIndex --
username FieldIndex Used when collective.person.user behavior is enabled

See it in action

This package is being used by the following sites:

  • TODO



Add collective.person as a dependency on your package's

    install_requires = [

Also, add collective.person to your package's configure.zcml (or dependencies.zcml):

<include package="collective.person" />

Generic Setup

To automatically enable this package when your add-on is installed, add the following line inside the package's profiles/default/metadata.xml dependencies element:


Source Code and Contributions

We welcome contributions to collective.person.

You can create an issue in the issue tracker, or contact a maintainer.

Development setup

You need a working Python environment version 3.8 or later.

Then install the dependencies and a development instance using:

make install

By default, we use the latest Plone version in the 6.x series.

Update translations

make i18n

Format codebase

make format

Run tests

make test


The project is licensed under GPLv2.