Ember-Brunch embodies modern web development workflow with the help of brunch.io and the ember.js framework. Having an awesome development workflow is important because you wants to:
- Reduce development time.
- Reduce bugs.
- Reduce unneccessary premature hairloss.
What Ember-Brunch can do for you:
- Organizes your javascript files into modules.
- Prevents pollution of the global scope.
- Front-end MVC framework.
- Auto-detects and prompts JS errors after you save the files.
- Auto-reload the browser.
- A buffet selection of preprocessors to save development time: LESS, STYLUS, JADE, TYPESCRIPT etc...
- Build a production-ready app with just a single command and be ready to deploy.
- Install Node.js: http://nodejs.org/download/
- Install Brunch:
npm install -g brunch
- Install Bower:
npm install -g bower
- Install command line tool from XCode
- Install scaffolt if you want to use generator: (Optional but highly recommended)
npm install -g scaffolt
- Run
npm start
to install all dependencies
Create a new app with the skeleton:
brunch new https://github.com/colintoh/ember-brunch.git [appname]
Start the server and watch:
cd [appname] && brunch watch -s
Build a non-optimized version:
brunch b
Build and optimized(minify):
brunch b -P
Clean + Build + optimized:
grunt production
Build a production folder:
brunch b -P
Your app will be compiled and minified into the public
folder. Upload that folder to any host(S3 etc) and you are done!
```server.js`` runs a express server with clustering that gzip your static files. Just push to heroku and it's done.
Heroku version: http://ancient-atoll-5869.herokuapp.com
The app
folder stores all file that you will need to start the project. app/helper
stores all your controller+view files. app/templates
and app/styles
stores your handlebars templates and css respectively.
is where you import the templates, helpers, router and application modules. router.js
is where you configure your routing.
Without generators, you will have to manually type in alot of repetitive code. With the node module scaffolt
, you can easily generate controllers, views and template files.
Let's create a recipe controller, view and template with the class generator.
Inside your application root directory, type scaffolt class recipe
in your terminal. This will generate:
// Inside helper/recipe.js
var App = require('app');
App.RecipeController = Em.Controller.extend({
App.RecipeView = Em.View.extend({
didInsertElement: function(){
and a template call recipe.hbs in the template
The name of the template: recipe
In your router.js
file, manually append your recipe route:
this.route('recipe'); <--------- Insert this line
Enter localhost:[port-number]/#/recipe
and you will see your new changes.
- You may want to install
for convenience
Write unit test in test/unit
Write integration test in test/integration
Run unit/integration test:
npm run-script unit/integration
For more resources on testing,
Brunch is an assembler for HTML5 applications. It is a simple but powerful build process and pipeline. It’s agnostic to frameworks, libraries, programming, stylesheet & templating languages and backend technology.
A framework for creating ambitious web applications.