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# CoinSpark asset tracking server
# Copyright (c) 2014 Coin Sciences Ltd -
# Distributed under the AGPLv3 software license, see the accompanying 
# file COPYING or


Every CoinSpark asset has a server which tracks its movements across bitcoin

The server responds to queries from CoinSpark wallets regarding those movements.
This lowers the computational requirements for end user wallets, which would
otherwise need to store the entire bitcoin blockchain, and perform a potentially
vast number of calculations for newly received assets.

By default, new assets issued by the asset creation form use our free servers, and, which
provide 3-way geographic redundancy and automatically track every CoinSpark
asset created. If you are comfortable relying on our tracking servers, you need
not take any further steps.

If you prefer to run your own tracking server/s, we provide a free open source
solution here. The address of the tracking server/s for a particular asset can
be changed at any time on that asset's web page, so you need not make a final
decision now.

To be clear, while wallets rely on the responses given by asset tracking
servers, these servers cannot change the 'truth' about where the asset lies.
This is determined solely by the data stored in the blockchain and the asset’s
contract. Asset trackers are simply a computational aide.

The open source tracking server is named coinsparkd and written in C and PHP.


1. System requirements
2. Installing and configuring coinsparkd
    2.1 Package installation
        2.1.1 Ubuntu
        2.1.2 CentOS
    2.2 Installing coinsparkd
    2.3 Configuring httpd
3. Installing and configuring bitcoind (it bitcoind is installed locally)
    3.1 Package installation
        3.1.1 Ubuntu
        3.1.2 CentOS
    3.2 Installing and configuring bitcoind
4. Starting and stopping bitcoind
5. Running coinsparkd
6. Configuring bitcoind and coinsparkd in startup script
    6.1 Ubuntu
    6.2 CentOS
7. Changelog    

1. System requirements

Requirements for the asset server are as follows:

 - Linux operating system such as CentOS, Ubuntu or Fedora. These instructions have been tested on Ubuntu x64 10.04, 12.04, 14.04 and CentOS x64 6.4, 6.5.

 - Running copy of Bitcoin Core, also known as bitcoind. No GUI or bitcoin balance required.

 - At least 8 GB of RAM.

 - At least 40 GB of disk space, mostly for Bitcoin Core to store the blockchain. In addition every 10,000 blocks (2.5 months) coinsparkd saves a checkpoint which takes 2GB. Checkpoints can be removed manually.

 - PHP 5 running under a regular web server such as Apache.

 - PHP compiled with the --enable-shmop option, since the PHP script communicates with the compiled C process via shared memory.
 - You need to know the asset reference of the asset you issued (see Assets panel of SparkBit).

2. Installing and configuring coinsparkd

2.1 Package installation

2.1.1 Ubuntu

# Package installation:

    sudo apt-get update
    sudo apt-get install build-essential
    sudo apt-get install apache2 php5
    /etc/init.d/apache2 restart

# Adding coinspark user:

    sudo adduser coinspark

2.1.2 CentOS


# Package installation:

    yum groupinstall "Development tools"
    yum install httpd php
    yum install wget
    service httpd start
    chkconfig httpd on

# Adding coinspark user:

    adduser coinspark
    passwd coinspark

2.2 Installing coinsparkd

    su coinspark

    tar xzf coinsparkd-*.tar.gz
    cd ~coinspark/coinsparkd-*/coinsparkd
    mkdir ~/bin
    mv bin/coinsparkd ~/bin

2.3 Configuring httpd

    su root

# for Ubuntu 12.04 and below:

    mv /var/www/index.html /var/www/index-original.html
    cp ~coinspark/coinsparkd-*/public_html/index.php /var/www/

# for other distributions:

    mv /var/www/html/index.html /var/www/html/index-original.html
    	[don't worry if you get an error message here]
    cp ~coinspark/coinsparkd-*/public_html/index.php /var/www/html/
# Check the web server is working by entering the IP address or domain name of the
  server in your browser. You should be shown an error about connecting.

3. Installing and configuring bitcoind

3.1 Package installation (assumes packages required for coinsparkd are already installed)

3.1.1 Ubuntu

    sudo apt-get install libssl-dev pkg-config 
    sudo apt-get install libtool autotools-dev autoconf

# for Ubuntu 12.04 and later:

    sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev

3.1.2 CentOS

    su root

    cd /usr/src
    tar -zxf openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz
    cd openssl-1.0.1g
    ./config --prefix=/usr --openssldir=/usr/local/openssl shared
    make test
    make install
    cd /usr/src
    rm -rf openssl-1.0.1g.tar.gz
    rm -rf openssl-1.0.1g

    yum install boost-devel

3.2 Installing and configuring bitcoind

    su coinspark

# download the latest version of bitcoind

    wget --no-check-certificate
    tar xzf bitcoin-

# either use the pre-provided binary:

    mkdir -p ~/bin
    mv ~/bitcoin-* ~/bin

# or compile bitcoind from the sources:

    cd bitcoin-
    tar xzf bitcoin-0.9.2.tar.gz
    cd bitcoin-0.9.2
    ./configure --disable-wallet
    mv src/bitcoind src/bitcoin-cli ~/bin

# set RPC user and password
    mkdir ~/.bitcoin
    echo "rpcuser=bitcoinrpc" > ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
    echo -n "rpcpassword=" >> ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
    echo "Enter some completely random text to generate a bitcoin RPC password:" ; read input
    echo $input | sha256sum | base64 | head -c 32 >> ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf
    echo >> ~/.bitcoin/bitcoin.conf

4. Starting and stopping bitcoind

    su coinspark

# to see usage

    ~/bin/bitcoin-cli -?

# to start bitcoind

    ~/bin/bitcoind &
# to check bitcoind status (wait a few seconds after starting it)

    ~/bin/bitcoin-cli getinfo

# to stop bitcoind

    ~/bin/bitcoind stop

5. Running coinsparkd

# to see usage:


# to start coinsparkd, substitute <asset-reference> for the asset ref shown in your wallet:

    ~/bin/coinsparkd -asset=<asset-reference> start

# to stop coinsparkd:

    ~/bin/coinsparkd stop

# Check coinsparkd is installed properly and running by entering the server's IP address or
  domain name in your web browser. You should see a message about the server tracking an asset.

# Additional options for coinsparkd:

  -testnet               Use the bitcoin testnet network

  -datadir=<data_path>   Default data directory is ~/.coinspark/assets/<asset-reference>.
                         You can specify an alternative data directory.

  -shmem=<shmem_key>     You may run several instances of coinsparkd to track several assets.
                         Each instance creates its own database and opens a separate shared
                         memory segment to communicate with PHP. Default is 12595 (0x3133).
                         For different values, use ?k=<shmem_key> at the end of the asset
                         tracking server address in the 'coinspark_tracker_url' field of the
                         JSON asset specification on the asset web page.

# Examples:

# Start coinsparkd tracking asset with reference 123456-789012-345678:

    ~/bin/coinsparkd -asset=123456-789012-345678 start
# Stop tracking server:

    ~/bin/coinsparkd stop 
# Start coinsparkd tracking asset on testnet:

    ~/bin/coinsparkd -asset=123456-789012-345678 -testnet start 

# Start coinsparkd tracking asset, where ?k=12596 is added to the tracker URL:

    ~/bin/coinsparkd -asset=345678-123456-789012 -shmem=12596 start

5.1 Restoring a backup of coinsparkd's data

The subdirectory 'backup' of the coinsparkd data directory (default ~/.coinspark/assets/<asset-reference>) contains copies of the full data directory for every 10,000th block. These checkpoint directories can be purged manually to save disk space.

# To start from a specific checkpoint:

    ~/bin/coinsparkd stop
    cd ~/.coinspark/assets/<asset-reference>
    rm blockchain.dat 
    rm tracker*
    rm -rf asset*
    rm -rf *txouts
    rm -rf coin*
    rm -rf op_ret*
    rm db.log 
    cp -Rf backup/<block-number>/* .
    ~/bin/coinsparkd start

6. Configuring bitcoind and coinsparkd in startup script

# Ensure you substitute <asset-reference> below with the correct asset reference.

6.1 Ubuntu

    mv /etc/rc.local /etc/rc.local.original
    cat /etc/rc.local.original | grep -v "exit 0" > /etc/rc.local
    echo "su coinspark -c \"/home/coinspark/bin/bitcoind &\"" >> /etc/rc.local
    echo "su coinspark -c \"/home/coinspark/bin/coinsparkd -asset=<asset-reference> start\"" >> /etc/rc.local
    echo "exit 0" >> /etc/rc.local
    chmod +x /etc/rc.local

6.2 CentOS

    su root

    echo "su coinspark -c \"/home/coinspark/bin/bitcoind &\"" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local
    echo "su coinspark -c \"/home/coinspark/bin/coinsparkd -asset=<asset-reference> start\"" >> /etc/rc.d/rc.local


v1.0.2 -  4 November 2014
* Improved memory pool processing
* Bug fixed: Timeout error is ignored when deciding whether to start from checkpoint

v1.0.1 - 29 October 2014
* Fixed asset quantity overflow bug

v1.0 - 29 September 2014
* First release


Allows asset issuers to run their own asset tracking server.







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