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solomon-b committed Feb 13, 2023
1 parent 29e6ae6 commit 08829b8
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Showing 4 changed files with 73 additions and 150 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion cabal.project
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,4 +6,9 @@ source-repository-package
type: git
subdir: matrix-client
subdir: matrix-client

type: git
tag: a9770c92902a75974e52d036381437d6f9631c19
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions chat-bots/src/Data/Bifunctor/HKD.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,8 +36,10 @@ data FoldMap t i f xs where
Cons :: {unCons :: (p x y) `t` (FoldMap t i p xs)} -> FoldMap t i p ('(x, y) ': xs)

data First a b = First {unFirst :: a}
deriving Show

data Second a b = Second {unSecond :: b}
deriving Show

sequenceFoldMapB :: (Bifunctor p, Monoidal (->) t1 i1 t2 i2 to io p) => FoldMap to io p xs -> p (FoldMap t1 i1 First xs) (FoldMap t2 i2 Second xs)
sequenceFoldMapB = \case
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions chat-bots/src/Data/Chat/Bot/Serialization.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import Data.Chat.Utils (can, type (/+\))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.These (These (..), these)
import Data.Profunctor
-- import Data.Bifunctor.Monoidal (Semigroupal (..))


Expand Down Expand Up @@ -40,6 +41,15 @@ instance Profunctor (Serializer so si) where
printer = printer . f

-- instance Semigroupal (->) These These (,) (Flip TextSerializer) where
-- combine :: (Flip TextSerializer x y, Flip TextSerializer x' y') -> Flip TextSerializer (These x x') (These y y')
-- combine (Flip (Serializer par1 pri1), Flip (Serializer par2 pri2)) =
-- Flip $
-- Serializer
-- { parser = uncurry can . (par1 &&& par2),
-- printer = these pri1 pri2 (\y y' -> pri1 y <> pri2 y')
-- }

-- | A 'Serializer' whose 'Server' I/O has been specialized to 'Text'.
type TextSerializer = Serializer Text Text

Expand Down
204 changes: 55 additions & 149 deletions chat-bots/src/Data/Trifunctor/Barbie.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,9 @@
{-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -Wno-orphans #-}
{-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-}

module Data.Trifunctor.Barbie where

Expand All @@ -15,62 +16,20 @@ module Data.Trifunctor.Barbie where


import Control.Applicative
import Control.Category.Cartesian
import Data.Align2
import Data.Bifoldable
import Data.Bifunctor.Const2 (Const2 (..))
import Data.Bifunctor.Monoidal
import Data.Bifunctor.Monoidal.Specialized
import Data.Bifunctor.Product (Product (..))
import Data.Bitraversable
import Data.Bool
import Data.Chat.Bot (Bot)
import Data.Chat.Bot.Serialization (TextSerializer)
import Data.Chat.Bot.Serialization qualified as S
import Data.Chat.Utils (type (/+\), can)
import Data.Chat.Utils (can)
import Data.Kind (Type)
import Data.Profunctor (Profunctor (..))
import Data.Text (Text)
import Data.These
import Data.Functor.Compose
import Data.Functor.Identity


class FunctorB2 (b :: (k -> k' -> Type) -> Type) where
b2map :: (forall x y. f x y -> g x y) -> b f -> b g

class FunctorB2 b => ApplicativeB2 (b :: (Type -> Type -> Type) -> Type) where
b2pure :: Profunctor f => (forall x y. f x y) -> b f
b2prod :: b f -> b g -> b (f `Product` g)

class FunctorB2 b => TraversableB2 (b :: (k -> k' -> Type) -> Type) where
b2traverse :: Applicative e => (forall x y. f x y -> e (g x y)) -> b f -> e (b g)


newtype First a b = First (Maybe a)

newtype Second a b = Second (Maybe b)

newtype Both p a b = Both (Maybe (p a b))


-- TODO: Replace @align2'@ with @Semialign2@ instance.
traverseThese ::
( Profunctor p,
Semialign2 p,
Applicative (p (MyApp First))
) =>
(forall a b c d. p a b -> p c d -> p (a /+\ c) (b /+\ d)) ->
MyApp p ->
p (MyApp First) (MyApp Second)
traverseThese align2' barbie = b2traverse undefined barbie

b2ZipWith :: ApplicativeB2 barbie => (forall x y. p x y -> q x y -> pq x y) -> barbie p -> barbie q -> barbie pq
b2ZipWith f bp bq = b2map (\(Pair fa ga) -> f fa ga) (bp `b2prod` bq)
import Data.Bifunctor.HKD
import Data.Void
import Data.Profunctor
import Data.Bifunctor


Expand All @@ -81,132 +40,79 @@ instance Semigroupal (->) (,) (,) (,) f => Semigroupal (->) (,) (,) (,) (Flip f)
combine :: Semigroupal (->) (,) (,) (,) f => (Flip f x y, Flip f x' y') -> Flip f (x, x') (y, y')
combine (Flip f1, Flip f2) = Flip $ combine (f1, f2)

-- HKD Bot Proof of Concept

-- TODO: Add a state param
data MyApp p = MyApp
{ helloBot' :: p () Text,
coinFlipBot' :: p () Bool

instance FunctorB2 MyApp where
b2map :: (forall x y. f x y -> g x y) -> MyApp f -> MyApp g
b2map nat MyApp {..} = MyApp {helloBot' = nat helloBot', coinFlipBot' = nat coinFlipBot'}

instance ApplicativeB2 MyApp where
b2pure :: Profunctor f => (forall x y. f x y) -> MyApp f
b2pure fxy = MyApp fxy fxy

b2prod :: MyApp f -> MyApp g -> MyApp (Product f g)
b2prod (MyApp x1 y1) (MyApp x2 y2) = MyApp (Pair x1 x2) (Pair y1 y2)

instance TraversableB2 MyApp where
b2traverse :: Applicative e => (forall x y. f x y -> e (g x y)) -> MyApp f -> e (MyApp g)
b2traverse f MyApp {..} = MyApp <$> f helloBot' <*> f coinFlipBot'
instance Semigroupal (->) These These (,) (Flip TextSerializer) where
combine :: (Flip TextSerializer x y, Flip TextSerializer x' y') -> Flip TextSerializer (These x x') (These y y')
combine (Flip (S.Serializer par1 pri1), Flip (S.Serializer par2 pri2)) =
Flip $
{ parser = uncurry can . (par1 &&& par2),
printer = these pri1 pri2 (\y y' -> pri1 y <> pri2 y')


data HKD2 f = HKD2 {a :: f () Bool, b :: f () Text}

helloBot :: Monad m => Bot m s () Text
helloBot = undefined

coinFlipBot :: Bot IO () () Bool
coinFlipBot :: Monad m => Bot m s () Bool
coinFlipBot = undefined

-- | Packing the HKD with 'Bot' gives us the bot subroutinesf for our
-- HKD.
myAppBot :: Monad m => MyApp (Bot m s)
myAppBot =
{ helloBot' = helloBot,
coinFlipBot' = undefined

helloBotSerializer :: TextSerializer Text ()
helloBotSerializer = undefined

coinFlipSerializer :: TextSerializer Bool ()
coinFlipSerializer = undefined

-- | Packing the HKD with 'Serializer' gives us serializers for the
-- 'Bot' subroutines of our HKD.
myAppSerializer :: MyApp (Flip TextSerializer)
myAppSerializer =
{ helloBot' = Flip helloBotSerializer,
coinFlipBot' = Flip coinFlipSerializer
botHKD :: Monad m => HKD2 (Bot m s)
botHKD =
{ a = coinFlipBot,
b = helloBot

-- | Packing the HKD with 'Const2 Text' gives us labels for the 'Bot'
-- subroutines of our HKD. This could be constructed with GHC Generics
-- or Template Haskell.
myAppNames :: MyApp (Const2 Text)
myAppNames =
{ helloBot' = "Hello Bot",
coinFlipBot' = "Coin Flip Bot"
serializerHKD :: HKD2 (Flip TextSerializer)
serializerHKD =
{ a = Flip S.Serializer {parser = bool Nothing (Just ()) . (== "flip a coin"), printer = bool "tails" "heads"},
b = Flip S.Serializer {parser = bool Nothing (Just ()) . (== "cofree-bot"), printer = id}


instance Show (HKD2 In) where
show (HKD2 x y) = "(HKD2 " <> show x <> " " <> show y <> ")"
newtype Compose2 f g a b = Compose2 (f (g a b))
deriving Functor

instance Show (HKD2 Out) where
show (HKD2 x y) = "(HKD2 " <> show x <> " " <> show y <> ")"
instance (Functor f, Bifunctor g) => Bifunctor (Compose2 f g) where
bimap :: Bifunctor g => (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Compose2 f g a c -> Compose2 f g b d
bimap f g (Compose2 fg) = Compose2 $ fmap (bimap f g) fg

sequenceHKD2 :: Semigroupal (->) t1 t2 (,) p => HKD2 p -> p (t1 () ()) (t2 Bool Text)
sequenceHKD2 (HKD2 a b) = combine (a, b)
instance (Functor f, Profunctor g) => Profunctor (Compose2 f g) where
dimap :: (Functor f, Profunctor g) => (a -> b) -> (c -> d) -> Compose2 f g b c -> Compose2 f g a d
dimap f g (Compose2 fg) = Compose2 $ fmap (dimap f g) fg

data HKD2 f = HKD2 {a :: f () Bool, b :: f () Text}
type Optional :: ((k -> k -> Type) -> Type) -> (k -> k -> Type) -> Type
newtype Optional hkd f = Optional (hkd (Compose2 Maybe f))

instance Semigroupal (->) These These (,) (Flip TextSerializer) where
combine :: (Flip TextSerializer x y, Flip TextSerializer x' y') -> Flip TextSerializer (These x x') (These y y')
combine (Flip (S.Serializer par1 pri1), Flip (S.Serializer par2 pri2)) =
Flip $
{ parser = uncurry can . (par1 &&& par2),
printer = these pri1 pri2 (\y y' -> pri1 y <> pri2 y')
class HKD p t i hkd where
type Fields hkd :: [(Type, Type)]

type Optional :: ((k -> Type) -> Type) -> (k -> Type) -> Type
newtype Optional hkd f = Optional (hkd (Compose Maybe f))
to :: hkd f `p` FoldMap t i f (Fields hkd)
from :: Profunctor f => FoldMap t i f (Fields hkd) `p` hkd f

data In a b = In (Maybe a)
deriving (Show)
instance HKD (->) (,) () HKD2 where
type Fields HKD2 = ['((), Bool), '((), Text)]

data Out a b = Out (Maybe b)
deriving (Show)

sequenceSerializer :: HKD2 (Flip TextSerializer) -> TextSerializer (HKD2 Out) (HKD2 In)
sequenceSerializer (HKD2 x y) = f $ combine (x, y)
f :: Flip TextSerializer (These () ()) (These Bool Text) -> TextSerializer (HKD2 Out) (HKD2 In)
f (Flip (S.Serializer par pri)) =
{ parser = fmap (these (\() -> HKD2 (In (Just ())) (In Nothing)) (\() -> HKD2 (In Nothing) (In (Just ()))) (\() () -> HKD2 (In (Just ())) (In (Just ())))) . par,
printer = \case
(HKD2 (Out Nothing) (Out Nothing)) -> mempty
(HKD2 (Out (Just a)) (Out Nothing)) -> pri $ This a
(HKD2 (Out Nothing) (Out (Just b))) -> pri $ That b
(HKD2 (Out (Just a)) (Out (Just b))) -> pri $ These a b

serializerHKD :: HKD2 (Flip TextSerializer)
serializerHKD =
{ a = Flip S.Serializer {parser = bool Nothing (Just ()) . (== "flip a coin"), printer = bool "tails" "heads"},
b = Flip S.Serializer {parser = bool Nothing (Just ()) . (== "cofree-bot"), printer = id}
to :: HKD2 f -> FoldMap (,) () f (Fields HKD2)
to HKD2 {..} = Cons (a, Cons (b, Nil ()))

serializer :: TextSerializer (HKD2 Out) (HKD2 In)
serializer = sequenceSerializer serializerHKD
from :: FoldMap (,) () f (Fields HKD2) -> HKD2 f
from = \case
Cons (a, Cons (b, _)) -> HKD2 {..}

instance HKD (->) (,) () hkd => HKD (Star Maybe) These Void (Optional hkd) where
type Fields (Optional hkd) = ['((), Bool), '((), Text)]

data In1 a = In1 a
data Out1 a = Out1 a
to :: HKD (->) (,) () hkd => Star Maybe (Optional hkd f) (FoldMap These Void f (Fields (Optional hkd)))
to = Star $ \(Optional hkd) -> _

--sequencer :: Semigroupal (->) (/+\) (/+\) (,) p => b p -> p (Optional b In) (Optional b Out)
--sequencer = undefined
from :: (Profunctor f, HKD (->) (,) () hkd) => Star Maybe (FoldMap These Void f (Fields (Optional hkd))) (Optional hkd f)
from = _ (sequenceFoldMapP @(Star Maybe) @These @Void @These @Void @These @Void)

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