Python script to display search results from Mahoning County Auditor property search website.
$ python "Youngstown state university" --no-vacant-land
Results for "Youngstown state university": 10 Structures 5 Lots
Owner Address Parcel Url
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 264 CARLTON ST 53-018-0-323.00-0 Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-018-0-323.00-0
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 223 COURT ST 53-017-0-175.00-0 Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-017-0-175.00-0
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 315 ELM ST 53-003-0-162.00-0 Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-003-0-162.00-0
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 315 ELM ST 53-003-0-162.00-T Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-003-0-162.00-T
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 360 GRANT ST 53-076-0-024.00-0 Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-076-0-024.00-0
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 369 GRANT ST 53-005-0-420.00-0 Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-005-0-420.00-0
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 334 N WATT ST 53-017-0-157.00-0 Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-017-0-157.00-0
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 158 W RAYEN AVE 53-003-0-121.00-0 Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-003-0-121.00-0
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 525 WICK AVE 53-018-0-147.01-0 Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-018-0-147.01-0
YOUNGSTOWN STAT 429 WICK AVE 53-018-0-151.02-0 Property.aspx?mpropertynumber=53-018-0-151.02-0
- Clone this repo
- Install requirements via
pip install -r requirements.txt
Provide a search query and optionally flag for no vacant land.
python "Youngstown state university" --no-vacant-land
Currently the auditor site will truncate results over 20 pages in length and randomize the order.