Page type showing scraped svg diagramms from Datawrapper.
Add this line to your application's Gemfile:
# Gemfile
gem 'pageflow-chart'
Mount the engine:
# config/routes.rb
mount Pageflow::Chart::Engine, at: '/chart'
Register the plugin:
# config/initializers/pageflow.rb
Include javascript/stylesheets:
# app/assets/javascripts/pageflow/application.js
//= require "pageflow/chart"
# app/assets/javascripts/pageflow/editor.js
//= require pageflow/chart/editor
# app/assets/stylesheets/pageflow/application.scss;
@import "pageflow/chart";
# app/assets/stylesheets/pageflow/editor.scss;
@import "pageflow/chart/editor";
# Adding basic style to your theme
# app/assets/stylesheets/pageflow/themes/default.scss
@import "pageflow/chart/themes/default";
Execute bundle install
. Then Install and run migrations:
rake pageflow_chart:install:migrations
rake db:migrate SCOPE=pageflow_chart
Create a proxy (via Apache, Nginx, ...) from your domain to your configured
to circumvent the same-domain policy. Configure this
in your Pageflow Chart initializer config/initializers/pageflow_chart.rb
Example conf snippet for Nginx. Add this location
block inside every server
that's being used by Ruby/Rails.
location /datawrapper/ {
proxy_redirect $scheme://$host/datawrapper/;
Normally you will do in two servers: the one that has listen 80
in it
and the other one which has `listen 443' in it (for https). This is needed
so the charts can be servered from the same origin a the entry.
Configure Pageflow Chart by creating an initializer in your app
Pageflow::Chart.configure do |config|
config.scraped_sites_root_url = '/datawrapper'
# Allow scraping charts from custom account URLs
config.supported_hosts << ''
# Uncomment to inject custom css into iframe.
# config.use_custom_theme = true
Also see lib/pageflow/chart/configuration.rb
for the additional options.
If you run into problems while installing the page type, please also refer to the Troubleshooting wiki page in the Pageflow repository. If that doesn't help, consider filing an issue.
Edit the translations directly on the pageflow-chart locale project.