A responsive beautiful Restaurant portfolio website.
To deploy this project run
Open index.html on your browser
- smooth animation
- Nice looking UI
- Responsive
- SEO friendly
Install my-project with browser
Open index.html on your browser
Client: Html,CSS3,JQuary,Modernizer,fontawsome,Bootstarp,animated css,javascript
Clone the project
git clone https://github.com/codestation21/lambda.git
Go to the project directory
cd my-project
index.html(open with browser)
For support, email [email protected] or join our Telegram channel.
A software Developers company that's run by the enthusiast. Want to solve problems with the power of code.
👩💻 We are currently working on Mern Stack Based Solutions
🧠 We are currently learning AI and Blockchain
👯♀️ We are looking to collaborate on startups, businesses, agencies, and individuals
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