All services started from a single repository
Keep in mind this repository is for local development only and is not meant to be deployed on any production environment!
- Clone the repository:
git clone --recursive
Shared folders: We are using shared folders to enable live code reloading. Without this, Docker Compose will not start: - Windows/MacOS: Add the cloned
directory to Docker shared directories (Preferences -> Resources -> File sharing). - Windows/MacOS: Make sure that in Docker preferences you have dedicated at least 5 GB of memory (Preferences -> Resources -> Advanced). - Linux: No action required, sharing already enabled and memory for Docker engine is not limited. -
Go to the cloned directory:
- Copy the
file from the example :
cp .env.example .env
Ask for WOOPORTAL_LOCATION_KEY or create your own Bing Maps Key (see Bing Maps Integration)
Ask for firebase-credentials.json or create your own Firebase credential file (see Bing Maps Integration)
Copy firebase-credentials.json to server:
cp /path/to/your/firebase-credentials.json server/src/main/resources/credentials/firebase-credentials.json
- Copy media files to server storage
mkdir server/.storage
cp -a media/. server/.storage
- Install client packages:
cd client
npm install
- Run the application:
docker-compose up
In case client does not work properly (like in windows) run the whole stack without client and start your client locally:
docker-compose up --scale client=0
After building and running the application following URLs are exposed:
- Client: http://localhost:8060
- Server: http://localhost:8061
- Database: http://localhost:8062
- Mail: http://localhost:8064
For testing the API you can reach the playground here: http://localhost:8061/gui
In order to retrieve any media content there are the following endpoints to retrieve them:
- http://localhost:8061/api/media/{id}: {id} should be replaced by the media id. This endpoint retrieves the item without downloading it immediately
- http://localhost:8061/api/media/download/{id}: {id} should be replaced by the media id. This endpoint retrieves the data and has header set to download it automatically.
The folder specs
contains the datamodel and is a Modelio project.
To open the project open Modelio and switch the workspace to specs
This repository contains newest stable versions. When new release appear, pull new version of this repository. In order to update all of them to their newest versions, run:
git submodule update --remote
During the development there might be changes in existing changelog files. Therefore the whole database need to be purged. To setup a clean database you have to purge the volume before starting the docker-comppose:
docker-compose down -v