About Me
As an experienced automation tester, I am passionate about enhancing software quality through automation. With over 12 years of industry experience, I have honed my expertise in diverse automation testing frameworks and tools, such as BDD, TDD, Webdriver-Java-TestNG-JUnit, Cypress-JavaScript-Cucumber(Cypress-ambassador), TestProject, and Hybrid Automation frameworks.
- 🌱 I’m currently learning
- Currently, I am learning Cypress and JavaScript, with a particular emphasis on visual testing using Percy. I believe that mastering these skills will enable me to enhance my expertise in automation testing, making me a more valuable asset to my team and organization. I am excited to continue developing my skills in these areas and look forward to applying them to real-world projects.
- 💬 Ask me about
- I'm happy to discuss it with anyone who's interested. Some possible topics we could explore include the benefits of test automation, the different types of tests that can be automated, popular automation tools and frameworks, and best practices for implementing and maintaining automated tests. Feel free to ask me anything you're curious about!
- 📫 How to reach me:
- [email protected]
- https://github.com/codemits
- https://medium.com/@mohit.kumar.sharma
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/mohitksh/