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Advanced usage Payload generators

Raffael Herrmann edited this page May 22, 2024 · 32 revisions
  1. Introduction to the "Payload Generator"
  2. Overview of the different payload types
  3. Usage of the payload generators
    3.1 BezahlCode
    3.2 Crypto Payment Address (e.g. Bitcoin, Litecoin, ...)
    3.3 Bookmark
    3.4 Calendar events (iCal/vEvent)
    3.5 ContactData (MeCard/vCard)
    3.6 Geolocation
    3.7 Girocode
    3.8 Mail
    3.9 MMS
    3.10 Monero address/payment
    3.11 One-Time-Password
    3.12 Phonenumber
    3.13 Russia Payment Order
    3.14 Shadowsocks configuration
    3.15 Skype call
    3.16 Slovenian QR Code for UPN QR Forms
    3.17 SMS
    3.18 SwissQrCode (ISO-20022)
    3.19 URL
    3.20 WhatsAppMessage
    3.21 WiFi
  4. Development of own payload types

1. Introduction to the "Payload Generator"

The payload generator is one of the things, which make the QRCoder unique. It's a class which helps to generate special payloads (=the text encoded in QR codes) that will start different actions on the device which scans the QR code.

Indeed a QR code can only encode a string (of text), but if this string has a special format, most* QR code scanners will perform a predefined action.

To help you to create these special formatted payload strings, we implemented the payload generators. These are easy-to-use classes, which check your data for invalid inputs and "automagically" create the fitting payload strings for you.

Info: Keep in mind, that all payload types stand and fall with the commitment between QR encoders and QR scanner apps. Special payload types aren't defined in the QR code standard (ISO/IEC 18004). Most of the QR code scanner apps are able to interpret the payload types described on this page. But in a real world application you should test your QR codes against the scanners your users will use.

2. Overview of the different payload types

Right now there are 19 different payload generators. To get a quick overview, have a look at the following table.

(Class-)Name What does it do, when scanned? Specification
BezahlCode Opens the banking app for bank transfers, debits and banker's order. It's common in German-speaking countries and competes with the more common GiroCode. Bezahlcode specification
Bitcoin(LikeCryptoCurrency)Address Starts crypto currency app for transfers. BIP 0021
Bookmark Saves a bookmark to the default webbrowser. NTTdocomo MEBKM
CalendarEvent Adds an event to the user's calendar. Supports iCal and vEvent format. RFC 5545
ContactData Adds a contact to the user's address book. Supports MeCard, vCard 2.1, vCard 3.0 and vCard 4.0 format. NTTdocomo MeCard, RFC 2425 (vCard 2.1), RFC 2426 (vCard 3.0), RFC 6350 (vCard 4.0)
Geolocation Opens the maps app and shows the given location or opens Google Maps in browser. RFC 5870
Girocode Opens the banking app for bank transfers. It's common in the European region and competes with the less common BezahlCode. EPC069-12
Mail Opens the default email app and composes a new message. Supports mailto:, MATMSG: and smtp: format. RFCRFC 6068, NTTdocomo MATMSG, smtp URI scheme
MMS Opens the standard messaging app and composes a new MMS. Either in mmsto: or in mms: format. RFC draft (mmsto), Data Services: Whitepaper (mms)
MoneroTransaction Opens the Monero wallet with transaction details. Monero URI scheme
OneTimePassword Encoded secret keys. May be used in combination with Google Authenticator for example. Key URI Format
PhoneNumber Opens the phone's dialer app with given number. RFC 3966
ShadowSocksConfig Opens ShadowSocks app with given configuration. ShadowSocks URI scheme
SkypeCall Opens Skype app and calls given contact. Skype URI API reference
SlovenianUpnQr Used for creation of Slovenian QR Code for UPN QR Forms (UPN = Univerzalni plačilni nalog - Universal Payment Order). Technical description, Advice for programmers
SMS Open SMS app and composes new message. Supports sms:, sms: (for iOS) and SMSTO: format. RFC 5724 (sms), sms URI for iOS, SMSTO (not common)
SwissQrCode Opens a banking app for bank transfer or donations. Mostly common in Switzerland. Is part of the "QR-Rechnung" (former Einzahlungsschein). ISO 20022
Url Opens the given URL in default webbrowser. RFC 3986
WhatsAppMessage Open whatsapp, lets you choose a contact and composes a new message with given text. WhatsApp URL Scheme
WiFi When scanned, the scanning device can login to the given WiFi without typing the credentials. Short description

3. Usage of the payload generators

3.1 BezahlCode

Classname/Classfile: BezahlCode / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it for banking (inlcuding bank transfers, debits, bank contacts and banker's order). It's used in German-speaking countries and competes with the more common GiroCode.

How to use it - simple way

The following code generates a payload for a simple SEPA payment to Wikimedia.

BezahlCode generator = new BezahlCode(BezahlCode.AuthorityType.singlepaymentsepa, "Wikimedia", iban: "DE33100205000001194700", bic: "BFSWDE33BER", amount: 25.00m);
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There are four overloads:

Overload 1
Description: Creates a payload for SEPA-based payments and transfers

Parameter name Type Default Description
authority AuthorityType Type of the bank transfer
name string Name of the receiver (Empfänger)
iban string IBAN
bic string BIC
amount decimal Amount (Betrag)
periodicTimeunit string "" Unit of intervall for payment ('M' = monthly, 'W' = weekly)
periodicTimeunitRotation int 0 Intervall for payment. This value is combined with 'periodicTimeunit'
periodicFirstExecutionDate DateTime? null Date of first periodic execution
periodicLastExecutionDate DateTime? null Date of last periodic execution
creditorId string "" Creditor id (Gläubiger ID)
mandateId string "" Manadate id (Mandatsreferenz)
dateOfSignature DateTime? null Signature date (Erteilungsdatum des Mandats)
reason string "" Reason (Verwendungszweck)
sepaReference string "" SEPA reference (SEPA-Referenz)
currency Currency Currency.EUR Currency (Währung)
executionDate DateTime? null Execution date (Ausführungsdatum)

Overload 2
Description: Creates a payload for non SEPA-based payments and transfers

Parameter name Type Default Description
authority AuthorityType Type of the bank transfer
name string Name of the receiver (Empfänger)
account string Bank account (Kontonummer)
bnc string Bank institute (Bankleitzahl)
amount decimal Amount (Betrag)
periodicTimeunit string "" Unit of intervall for payment ('M' = monthly, 'W' = weekly)
periodicTimeunitRotation int 0 Intervall for payment. This value is combined with 'periodicTimeunit'
periodicFirstExecutionDate DateTime? null Date of first periodic execution
periodicLastExecutionDate DateTime? null Date of last periodic execution
reason string "" Reason (Verwendungszweck)
postingKey int 0 Transfer Key (Textschlüssel, z.B. Spendenzahlung = 69)
currency Currency Currency.EUR Currency (Währung)
executionDate DateTime? null Execution date (Ausführungsdatum)

Overload 3
Description: Creates a payload for exchange of bank/payment contact data

Parameter name Type Default Description
authority AuthorityType Type of the bank transfer
name string Name of the receiver (Empfänger)
account string "" Bank account (Kontonummer)
bnc string "" Bank institute (Bankleitzahl)
iban string "" IBAN
bic string "" BIC
reason string "" Reason (Verwendungszweck)

Overload 4
Description: Generic constructor used by overload 1 and 2.

Parameter name Type Default Description
authority AuthorityType Type of the bank transfer
name string Name of the receiver (Empfänger)
account string Bank account (Kontonummer)
bnc string Bank institute (Bankleitzahl)
iban string IBAN
bic string BIC
amount decimal Amount (Betrag)
periodicTimeunit string "" Unit of intervall for payment ('M' = monthly, 'W' = weekly)
periodicTimeunitRotation int 0 Intervall for payment. This value is combined with 'periodicTimeunit'
periodicFirstExecutionDate DateTime? null Date of first periodic execution
periodicLastExecutionDate DateTime? null Date of last periodic execution
creditorId string "" Creditor id (Gläubiger ID)
mandateId string "" Manadate id (Mandatsreferenz)
dateOfSignature DateTime? null Signature date (Erteilungsdatum des Mandats)
reason string "" Reason (Verwendungszweck)
postingKey int 0 Transfer Key (Textschlüssel, z.B. Spendenzahlung = 69)
sepaReference string "" SEPA reference (SEPA-Referenz)
currency Currency Currency.EUR Currency (Währung)
executionDate DateTime? null Execution date (Ausführungsdatum)
internalMode int 0 Only used for internal state handdling

Good to know

BezahlCode is a format which competes with the GiroCode. Both can be used for banking purposes but GiroCode is a little more common and newer. Nevertheless BezahlCode has some more features like periodic transfer and debits. So before choose one of both, check which one fits your needs and which one is better supported by your users and their QR code scanner apps.

3.2 (Bitcoin like) Crypto Currency Payment Address

Classname/Classfile: BitcoinAddress|BitcoinCashAddress|LitecoinAddress / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use this payload to share Bitcoin/Bitcoin Cash/Litecoin addresses or initiate payments in one of those currencies.

How to use it - simple way

BitcoinAddress generator = new PayloadGenerator.BitcoinAddress("175tWpb8K1S7NmH4Zx6rewF9WQrcZv245W", 1.5d);
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Creates a Bitcoin address with or without amount to transfer and message.

Parameter name Type Default Description
address string Bitcoin address of the payment receiver
amount double? Amount of Bitcoins to transfer
label string null Reference label
message string null Referece text aka message

Good to know

If you want to share only the crypto currency address without any amount of coins, set the variable amount to null. Replace "Bitcoin" by "BitcoinCash" or "Litecoin" to generate payloads for those currencies.

3.3 Bookmark

Classname/Classfile: Bookmark / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use this payload, when you want to place a bookmark in the user's default webbrowser.

How to use it - simple way

Bookmark generator = new Bookmark("", "Blog of QRCoder's father");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Creates a bookmark payload including the bookmark title.

Parameter name Type Default Description
url string Url of the bookmark
title string Title of the bookmark

Good to know


3.4 Calendar events (iCal/vEvent)

Classname/Classfile: CalendarEvent / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use this payload to place an event to the user's calendar application.

How to use it - simple way

CalendarEvent generator = new CalendarEvent("Birthday party", "Join QRCoder's fourth birthday!", "51.26118,6.6717", new DateTime(2017,10,13), new DateTime(2017,10,13), true);
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There are 2 overloads:

Overload 1
Description: Creates an calendar event.

Parameter name Type Default Description
subject string Subject/title of the calender event
description string Description of the event
location string Location (lat:long or address) of the event
start DateTime Start time of the event
end DateTime End time of the event
allDayEvent bool Is it a full day event?
encoding EventEncoding EventEncoding.Universal Type of encoding (universal or iCal)

Overload 2
Description: Creates an calendar event.

Parameter name Type Default Description
subject string Subject/title of the calender event
description string Description of the event
location string Location (lat:long or address) of the event
start DateTimeOffset Start time of the event incl. offset in relation to UTC
end DateTimeOffset End time of the event incl. offset in relation to UTC
allDayEvent bool Is it a full day event?
encoding EventEncoding EventEncoding.Universal Type of encoding (universal or iCal)

Good to know

The parameters description and location are optional. They can be set to null or string.Empty. If you want to place an event to Apple users you should use iCal instead of Universal as encoding.

3.5 ContactData (MeCard/vCard)

Classname/Classfile: ContactData / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it, when you want to share contact data/business cards. A QR code with this payload type will add the contact data to the user's address book.

How to use it - simple way

ContactData generator = new ContactData(ContactData.ContactOutputType.VCard3, "John", "Doe");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Generates contact data payload in different formats.

Parameter name Type Default Description
outputType ContactOutputType Payload output type
firstname string The firstname
lastname string The lastname
nickname string null The displayname
phone string null Normal phone number
mobilePhone string null Mobile phone
workPhone string null Office phone number
email string null E-Mail address
birthday DateTime? null Birthday
website string null Website / Homepage
street string null Street
houseNumber string null Housenumber
city string null City
zipCode string null Zip code
country string null Country
note string null Memo text / notes
stateRegion string null State / Region
addressOrder AddressOrder AddressOrder.Default enum to define address order (see below)
org string null Organization/Company
orgTitle string null Organization/Company title

Good to know

Via the parameter outputType you can choose between different formats. Supported formats are: vCard 2.1, vCard 3.0, vCard 4.0 and MeCard. Choose the format which fits your needs. Right now vCard 3.0 is the most used format.

The addressOrder enum specifies in which format the address is rendered. The two options are:

  • Default
    The address format used in European countries and others.

    John Doe
    Königsallee 1
    40210 Düsseldorf

  • Reversed
    The address format used in North America and others.

    John Doe
    123 Fake St.
    Cleveland, OH, 12345

3.6 Geolocation

Classname/Classfile: Geolocation / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use this payload type when you want to share a location. You can choose between the geo-format and Google Maps links.

How to use it - simple way

Geolocation generator = new Geolocation("51.26118", "6.6717");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: The payload encodes a (geo-)location by its coordinates.

Parameter name Type Default Description
latitude string Latitude with . as splitter
longitude string Longitude with . as splitter
encoding GeolocationEncoding GeolocationEncoding.GEO Encoding type - GEO or GoogleMaps

Good to know

If you use the geo-format the QR scanner app must support this tag. Most scanners do so. But if you want to be 100% on the safe side, choose Google Maps format because this generates a Google Maps (web-)link which can be interpreted by nearly any QR code scanner.

3.7 Girocode

Classname/Classfile: Girocode / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use this payload type if you want to share payment contact information and/or bank transfer data. The Girocode is an European standard and supports SEPA payments.

How to use it - simple way

var payload = new Girocode("DE33100205000001194700", "BFSWDE33BER", "Wikimedia", 1337.99m);

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Generates the Girocode payload with different options.

Parameter name Type Default Description
iban string Account number of the Beneficiary. Only IBAN is allowed.
bic string BIC of the Beneficiary Bank.
name string Name of the Beneficiary.
amount decimal Amount of the Credit Transfer in Euro. (Amount must be more than 0.01 and less than 999999999.99)
remittanceInformation string "" Remittance Information (Purpose-/reference text). (optional)
typeOfRemittance TypeOfRemittance TypeOfRemittance. Unstructured Type of remittance information. Either structured (e.g. ISO 11649 RF Creditor Reference) and max. 35 chars or unstructured and max. 140 chars.
purposeOfCreditTransfer string "" Purpose of the Credit Transfer (optional)
messageToGirocodeUser string "" Beneficiary to originator information. (optional)
version GirocodeVersion GirocodeVersion. Version1 Girocode version. Either 001 or 002. Default: 001.
encoding GirocodeEncoding GirocodeEncoding. ISO_8859_1 Encoding of the Girocode payload. Default: ISO-8859-1

Good to know

Important: As per official specification QR codes with Girocode payloads have to be generated with ECC-Level M (15%). The necessary EccLevel is already set in the payload. Therefore, please always pass the entire payload object to the CreateQrCode function instead of calling ToString().

Girocode competes (atleast for German-speaking countries) with the Bezahlcode. Even if Girocode has less features, it is more common than Bezahlcode. So choose the right payload type in respect of your users and the features you want to use.

3.8 Mail

Classname/Classfile: Mail / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it when you want to prepare/compose an email. Once scanned the code opens the default mail client with the given information like receiver, subject and message.

How to use it - simple way

Mail generator = new Mail("[email protected]", "Look at this!", "Hi John, have a look at this QRCoder library!");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is one overload:

Overload 1
Description: Creates a new mail with optional subject and body/message.

Parameter name Type Default Description
mailReceiver string null Receiver's email address
subject string null Subject line of the email
message string null Message content of the email
encoding MailEncoding MailEncoding.MAILTO Payload encoding type. Choose dependent on your QR Code scanner app.

Good to know


3.9 MMS

Classname/Classfile: MMS / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it when you want to compose a MMS (message). You can choose if you want to prepare the message or just let the QR code open the messaging app with the correct phonenumber.

How to use it - simple way

MMS generator = new MMS("+491701234567", "Hi John, have a look at this QRCoder library!");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There are 2 overloads:

Overload 1
Description: Generates a new MMS for the given contact.

Parameter name Type Default Description
number string Receiver phone number
encoding MMSEncoding MMSEncoding.MMS Encoding type

Overload 2
Description: (Pre-)composes a new MMS for the given contact with the given message (=subject).

Parameter name Type Default Description
number string Receiver phone number
subject string Text of the MMS
encoding MMSEncoding MMSEncoding.MMS Encoding type

Good to know

This payload type supports (as some of the other payload types, too) different output formats. In most cases/regions you should use the MMSEncoding.MMS-type.

3.10 Monero address/payment

Classname/Classfile: MoneroTransaction / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

This payload opens the user's Monero client/app and prefills its dialog with the given data. Either you pass only the Monero address or you add complete payment/transaction details.

How to use it - simple way

MoneroTransaction generator = new MoneroTransaction("46BeWrHpwXmHDpDEUmZBWZfoQpdc6HaERCNmx1pEYL2rAcuwufPN9rXHHtyUA4QVy66qeFQkn6sfK8aHYjA3jk3o1Bv16em");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Generates a Monero payload.

Parameter name Type Default Description
address string Receiver's monero address
txAmount float? null Amount to transfer
txPaymentId string null Payment id
recipientName string null Receipient's name
txDescription string null Reference text / payment description

Good to know


3.11 One-Time-Password

Classname/Classfile: OneTimePassword / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

This payload generates a one-time-password QR code which is used for credential-exchange and authentification. You may use it in combination with the Google Authenticator.

How to use it - simple way

OneTimePassword generator = new OneTimePassword()
	Secret = "pwq6 5q55",
	Issuer = "Google",
	Label = "[email protected]",
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There are 0 special overloads. As can be seen in the example above these generator takes it values via properties.

Property name Type Default Description
Type OneTimePassword AuthType OneTimePasswordAuth Type.TOTP Type of the one-time-password. Either TOTP or HOTP
Algorithm OoneTimePassword AuthAlgorithm OoneTimePasswordAuth Algorithm.SHA1 Algorith of the one-time-password. Either SHA1, SHA256 or SHA512
Issuer string The issuer's name
Secret string The Base32 encoded secret key
Label string The label
Digits int 6 Number of digits
Counter int? null Shall a counter be used?
Period int? 30 Valid period

Good to know

The payload generator builds the correct payload for you, but it can't/doesn't calculate the TOTP/HOTP secret for you.

3.12 Phonenumber

Classname/Classfile: PhoneNumber / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it, when you wan't to share a phonenumber or when you want to use the QR code as CTA (call-to-action). Once scanned, the code opens the dialer app on the phone.

How to use it - simple way

PhoneNumber generator = new PhoneNumber("+491701234567");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Generates a phone call payload.

Parameter name Type Default Description
number string Phonenumber of the receiver

Good to know

There is no right or wrong formatting of the given phonenumber. Type the number in this way, you would type it into your phone's dialer.

3.13 RussiaPaymentOrder

Classname/Classfile: RussiaPaymentOrder / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it to generate QR codes for payments in Russia that are compliant to the standard ГОСТ Р 56042-2014.

How to use it - simple way

var account = "40702810138250123017";
var bic = "044525225";
var bankName = "ОАО \"БАНК\"";
var name = "ООО «Три кита»";
var correspAcc = "30101810965770000413";
var generator = new PayloadGenerator.RussiaPaymentOrder(name, account, bankName, bic, correspAcc);
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(3);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Generates a RussiaPaymentOrder configuration QR code payload.

Parameter name Type Default Description
name string Name of the payee (Наименование получателя платежа)
personalAcc string Beneficiary account number (Номер счета получателя платежа)
bankName string Name of the beneficiary's bank (Наименование банка получателя платежа)
BIC string BIC (БИК)
correspAcc string null Box number / account payee's bank (Номер кор./сч. банка получателя платежа)
optionalFields OptionalFields null Optional additional fields/information
characterSet CharacterSets CharacterSets.utf_8 Encoding of the payload string

Good to know

  • If CharacterSets was set to windows-1251 or koi8-r you should use ToBytes() instead of ToString() and pass the byte-array directly to CreateQrCode()!
  • The maximum length of a RussiaPaymentOrder is 300 byte as defined by the offical standard. Thus it isn't possible to use all additional fields at the same time.

3.14 Shadowsocks configuration

Classname/Classfile: ShadowSocksConfig / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it to share ShadowSocks (Proxy) configurations. When scanned, the QR scanner app should start the ShadowSocks with the given configuration.

How to use it - simple way

ShadowSocksConfig generator = new ShadowSocksConfig("", 443, "laozhang", ShadowSocksConfig.Method.Aes256Cb);
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Generates a ShadowSocks configuration QR code payload.

Parameter name Type Default Description
hostname string Hostname of the ShadowSocks proxy
port int Port of the ShadowSocks proxy
password string Password of the SS proxy
method Method Encryption type
tag string null Optional tag line

Good to know

The value of port must be in the range within 1 and 65535. The tag parameter is optional.

3.15 Skype call

Classname/Classfile: SkypeCall / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it when you want to initiate Skype calls. When scanned, the QR scanner app opens skype and calls the user given to the payload generator.

How to use it - simple way

SkypeCall generator = new SkypeCall("johndoe");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Creates a skype call action payload.

Parameter name Type Default Description
skypeUsername string Skype username which will be called

Good to know


3.16 SlovenianUpnQr

Classname/Classfile: SlovenianUpnQr / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Used for creation of Slovenian QR Code for UPN QR Forms (UPN = Univerzalni plačilni nalog - Universal Payment Order)

How to use it - simple way

var payload = new PayloadGenerator.SlovenianUpnQr(payerName, payerAddress, payerPlace, 
                                    recipientName, recipientAddress, recipientPlace, 
                                    recipientSiModel, recipientSiReference, 
//or if you need requested date of debitor’s payment (payment deadline) included
var payload = new PayloadGenerator.SlovenianUpnQr(payerName, payerAddress, payerPlace, 
                                    recipientName, recipientAddress, recipientPlace, 
                                    recipientSiModel, recipientSiReference, 

QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload);

QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
Bitmap qrCodeImage = qrCode.GetGraphic(5);

Parameter table

Parameter name Type Max Length Default Description
payerName string 33 Debitor (payer) name
payerAddress string 33 Debitor (payer) address (Street name and house number)
payerPlace string 33 Debitor (payer) place (Postal code and name)
recipientName string 33 Creditor (payee) name
recipientAddress string 33 Creditor (payee) address (Street name and house number)
recipientPlace string 33 Creditor (payee) place (Postal code and name)
recipientIban string 34 Creditor's IBAN
description string 42 Description/Comment
amount double Amount (in EUR)
deadline DateTime? Requested date of debitor's payment
recipientSiModel string 4 SI99 SI model
recipientSiReference string 22 SI reference
code string 4 OTHR Purpose of Payment Code

Good to know

Important: As per official specification Slovenian UPN QR codes have to be generated with ECC-Level M (15%), ECI Mode set to ISO8859-2, Byte mode and QR Version of 15. If you pass the Payload-class itself to the QRCoder (as shown in the last example) then you don't have to set this parameters, since the Payload-class does this automatically.

3.17 SMS

Classname/Classfile: SMS / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it when you want to compose a SMS (message). You can choose if you want to create the message including text or just let the QR code open the messaging app with the given phonenumber.

How to use it - simple way

SMS generator = new SMS("+491701234567", "Hi John, do you remember SMS?");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There are 2 overloads:

Overload 1
Description: Generates a new SMS for the given contact.

Parameter name Type Default Description
number string Receiver phone number
encoding SMSEncoding SMSEncoding.SMS Encoding type

Overload 2
Description: (Pre-)composes a new SMS for the given contact with the given message (=subject).

Parameter name Type Default Description
number string Receiver phone number
subject string Text of the SMS
encoding SMSEncoding SMSEncoding.SMS Encoding type

Good to know

This payload supports different output formats. In most cases/regions you should use the SMSEncoding.SMS-type, which should work with the most scanner apps.

3.18 SwissQrCode (ISO-20022)

Classname/Classfile: SwissQRCode / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Opens a banking app for bank transfer or donations. Mostly common in Switzerland. Is part of the "QR-Rechnung" (former Einzahlungsschein). Note: Take care of the advices from the "Good to know" section.

How to use it - simple way

SwissQrCode.Contact contactGeneral = SwissQrCode.Contact.WithStructuredAddress("John Doe", "3003", "Bern", "CH", "Parlamentsgebäude", "1");
SwissQrCode.Iban iban = new SwissQrCode.Iban("CH2609000000857666015", PayloadGenerator.SwissQrCode.Iban.IbanType.QrIban);
SwissQrCode.Reference reference = new SwissQrCode.Reference(SwissQrCode.Reference.ReferenceType.QRR, "990005000000000320071012303", SwissQrCode.Reference.ReferenceTextType.QrReference);
SwissQrCode.AdditionalInformation additionalInformation = new SwissQrCode.AdditionalInformation("This is my unstructured message.", "Some bill information here...");
SwissQrCode.Currency currency = SwissQrCode.Currency.CHF;
decimal amount = 100.25m;

SwissQrCode payload = new SwissQrCode(iban, currency, contactGeneral, additionalInformation, reference, null, amount, null, null);

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20, Color.Black, Color.White, (Bitmap)Bitmap.FromFile(Application.StartupPath + "\\CH-Kreuz_7mm.png"), 14, 1);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Generates a new Swiss Qr code.

Parameter name Type Default Description
iban Iban IBAN object
currency Currency Currency (either EUR or CHF)
creditor Contact Creditor (payee) information
reference Reference Reference information
additionalInformation AdditionalInformation null Additional information texts
debitor Contact null Debitor (payer) information
amount decimal? null Amount
requestedDateOfPayment DateTime? null Obsolete Requested date of debitor's payment
ultimateCreditor Contact null Ultimate creditor information (use only in consultation with your bank!)
alternativeProcedure1 string null Optional command for alternative processing mode - line 1
alternativeProcedure2 string null Optional command for alternative processing mode - line 2

Good to know

  • Important: As per official specification Swiss QR codes have to be generated with ECC-Level M (15%). The necessary EccLevel is already set in the payload. Therefore, please always pass the entire payload object to the CreateQrCode function instead of calling ToString().
  • Important: As per official specification a Swiss cross logo (can be downloaded here) has to be drawn on the code with a size of ~14%. (Per spec the Swiss cross has to be 7mm per side and the Swiss Qr code should be printed with 46mm without quiet zones or 49,2mm per side with quietzones. So we get 7/(49,2/100) = 14% icon size.)

3.19 URL

Classname/Classfile: Url / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it to share links/websites.

How to use it - simple way

Url generator = new Url("");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Generates a link payload.

Parameter name Type Default Description
url string Link url target

Good to know

If you a domain (without http:// or https://) is given, the payload generater prefixes the given url with http://.

3.20 WhatsAppMessage

Classname/Classfile: WhatsAppMessage / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it to share your WhatApp pre-composed WhatsAppMessages. Once scanned, the QR code opens a WhatsApp chat with the given message.

How to use it - simple way

WhatsAppMessage generator = new WhatsAppMessage("Hi John, what do you think about QR codes?");
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There are 2 overloads:

Overload 1
Description: Generates a new WhatsApp message.

Parameter name Type Default Description
message string The message text

Overload 2
Description: Generates a new WhatsApp message towards a given contact.

Parameter name Type Default Description
number string Recipient/contact number
message string The message text

Good to know


3.21 WiFi

Classname/Classfile: WiFi / PayloadGenerator.cs

When to use?

Use it when you want to share WiFi credentials. Good for meetings, house partys and conventions.

How to use it - simple way

WiFi generator = new WiFi("My-WiFis-Name", "s3cr3t-p4ssw0rd", WiFi.Authentication.WPA);
string payload = generator.ToString();

QRCodeGenerator qrGenerator = new QRCodeGenerator();
QRCodeData qrCodeData = qrGenerator.CreateQrCode(payload, QRCodeGenerator.ECCLevel.Q);
QRCode qrCode = new QRCode(qrCodeData);
var qrCodeAsBitmap = qrCode.GetGraphic(20);

Parameter table

There is 1 overload:

Overload 1
Description: Generates WiFi login credentials.

Parameter name Type Default Description
ssid string SSID of the WiFi network
password string Password of the WiFi network
authenticationMode Authentication Authentification mode (WEP, WPA, WPA2)
isHiddenSSID bool false Set flag to true, if the WiFi network hides its SSID
escapeHexStrings bool true Set flag to false, if SSID/password shouldn't be escaped, even if passed as HEX string

Good to know

  • Don't get confused when choosing authenticationMode-parameter. The value WiFi.Authentication.WPA also includes not only WPA but also WPA2!
  • For widest compatibility you may set escapeHexStrings to false, because if SSID/password are provided in HEX style ([A-F0-9] and will be escaped, the QR code may become unreadable by Apple devices. More info: )

4. Development of own payload types

Implementing your own, custom payload generator is quite easy. Simply create a new class for your custom payload and implement the QRCoder.PayloadGenerator.Payload-interface. The only method you have to implement/override is the ToString()-method.

public class HelloWorldPayload : Payload
    private string _name;
    public HelloWorldPayload(string name)
        _name = name;

    public override string ToString()
        return $"Hello {_name}";

If you have written a cool generator, feel free to send it in as PullRequest.

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