Major points:
- Removed the version numbers of the input file names (break compatibility with previous version).
- Possibility to use finite pressure relaxation on UEq model for more than two phases. More information in: Schmidmayer et al.
- Possibility to initialize an unstructured simulation with the result of a previous simulation performed on a similar mesh and/or a different number of CPUs. This feature is particularly useful to fasten steady state convergence on a fine mesh using coarse mesh results. More information in: Cazé et al. (2023). Modelling and simulation of the cavitation phenomenon in space-engine turbopumps.
- PUEq phase-change model (handled through PTMu relaxation) does not require mass fraction threshold anymore to trigger mass transfer. Also more information in: Cazé et al. (2023).
- Add Moving Reference Frame coupling of a rotating region with a static one. Also more information in: Cazé et al. (2023).
- Renamed boundary condition names (break compatibility with previous version).
- Immersed boundaries can be added in a Cartesian mesh domain (physicalEntity = -1). Similarly to: Trummler et al.
Minor points:
- Option to record boundary quantities such as pressure forces and shear stress (useful for aerodynamic coefficient computation).
- Possibility to display cells' reference length on XML output with unstructured mesh.
- Add a tutorial on mesh mapping and low-Mach preconditionning options.
- Add scripts related to droplet shock-induced cavitation. More information in: Biasiori-Poulanges & Schmidmayer (2023) and Schmidmayer & Biasiori-Poulanges (2023)
- Improve variable name style for Gnuplot output.
- Increase code coverage by nonreg.
- Updated AMR refinement criteria to match the different modelling.
- Always a little more source code translation from French to English.
- A wall is now considered as a symmetry BC if viscosity is ignored.
- Update of documentation.
- Fix the getTemperature() and copyPhase() methods for multiphase models.
- Fix restart bug when using alphaNull on PUEq model.
- Fix bug on simulation progress when using iteration control mode.
- Fix a MPI data type that caused a crash during MPI_Allreduce on some compilers.
- Minor fix for Euler-Korteweg model.
- Correction on UEq BC for volume fraction flux, using sM instead of uStar to respect transport equation.
- Update non-regression scripts to make them compatible with OS X.
- Correction for phase change with a second-order method.