Solr is a Web Service (REST) that provides applications API access to create and manage search indices (Collections) that behave like a NoSQL storage for Documents with Fields. The data saved in a collection of Solr documents can be queried using a variety of query syntaxes, most commonly the Lucene query syntax, or later dismax, or edismax. Solr's web server based on Jetty wraps the Lucene API with a web service so that developers and applications don't need to do the housekeeping involved in managing the index files themselves.
A curated list of awesome Apache Solr packages and resources. Maintained by Rahul Singh of Anant. Feel free contact me if you'd like to collaborate on this and other awesome lists.
- Interfaces User Interfaces for Solr.
- Tools Applications / Plugins that use Solr.
- Projects Other projects that use Solr.
- Clients Programming Language Specific Clients for Solr.
- Documentation Official / unofficial documentation.
- Books Popular books about Solr.
- Tutorials Step by step tutorials on Solr.
- Web Sites Sites ( not blogs ) on Solr.
- Blogs from Solr experts.
- Docker Images Docker Images / Composures w/ Solr.
- Videos Videos on Solr.
- Appleseed Search Web User Appleseed Search Web User interfaces - Angular JS 1 Search Interfaces for SolR, Elastic Edit Add topics.
- Blacklight A multi-institutional open-source collaboration building a better discovery platform framework.
- Solr PHP UI Solr client and user interface for search (UI).
- AJAX Solr AJAX Solr is a JavaScript library for creating user interfaces to Apache Solr.
- Spyglass Simple search results with Solr and EmberJS.
- Splainer Angular JS Solr and Elasticsearch Diagnostic Search Services.
- Solrstrap Solrstrap is a Query-Result interface for Solr.
- ngSolr Easy faceted search for Apache Solr.
- SOLR-AJAX Single Page Faceted Search Interface to Apache Solr/Lucene.
- Solstice A simple Solr wrapper for AngularJS apps.
- SolrDora A quick and easy way to explore the data in your Solr core.
- WPSolr Search Engine WordPress Plugin Search 10 times faster with Elasticsearch or Apache Solr with lots of data - WPSOLR.
- Apache Solr Search Drupal Plugin This module integrates Drupal with the Apache Solr search platform.
- Drupal Search API Solr Plugin This module provides a Solr backend for the Search API module.
- Solr proxies Simple solr proxies implemented in PHP, Node.js, Java, or NGINX.
- Transformalize This tool expedites mundane data processing tasks like cleaning, reporting, and denormalization. Specifically can quickly process data from SQL/MySQL/PostgreSQL to Solr/ Elasticsearch.
- JesterJ A new highly flexible, highly scaleable document ingestion system.
- Spark-Solr Tools for reading data from Solr as a Spark RDD and indexing objects from Spark into Solr using SolrJ.
- Flink Solr Connector Apache Flink Sink for Solr.
- Apache Flume Flume is a distributed, reliable, and available service for efficiently collecting, aggregating, and moving large amounts of log data.
- Storm Solr Tools for building Storm topologies for indexing data into SolrCloud.
- [Kafka Connector for Solr Sink( Kafka Connect Solr for writing data to Solr.
- SolrMQ SolrMQ is a plugin for Solr that allows you to send updates to Solr using a AMQP messaging queue. We use the RabbitMQ library.
- SolrJ Java Solr Client.
- SolrNet .NET Solr Client.
- Solr Scala Client.
- solrs An async, non-blocking solr client for java/scala, providing a query interface like SolrJ.
- Scalikesolr Apache Solr. Client for Scala/Java.
- Solr Play Scala Client A Scala library in Play framework for indexing and searching documents within an Apache Solr.
- Python Solr Clients Reference to multiple Python Solr Clients.
- Python:SolrClient SolrClient is a simple python library for Solr; built in python3 with support for latest features of Solr.
- mysolr mysolr was born to be a fast and easy-to-use client for Apache Solr’s API and because existing Python clients didn’t fulfill these conditions.
- rsolr A ruby client for Solr.
- Sunspot Solr-powered search for Ruby objects.
- Solarium Solarium is a Solr client library for PHP.
- Solr PHP extension The Solr extension allows you to communicate effectively with the Apache Solr Server in PHP.
- Go-Solr A solr library written in Go.
- go-solr Solr client in Go, core admin, add docs, update, delete, search and more.
- Gora A simple Solr client for Go.
- CPAN Apache::Solr Perl Apache Solr.
- Solrclj A Clojure client for Apache Solr.
- flux A Clojure based Solr client.
- solr-node-client A solr client for node.js. A solr client for indexing, adding, deleting,committing and searching documents within an Apache Solr installation
TODO : Need to get more books, and then order by reading level.
- Apache Solr Enterprise Search Server, 3rd Edition
- Scaling Big Data with Hadoop and Solr - Second Edition
- Apache Solr: A Practical Approach to Enterprise Search
- Apache Solr Search Patterns
- Apache Solr: Beginner's Guide
- Apache Solr: Essentials
- [Mastering Apache Solr]
- [Solr in Action]
- [Instant Apache Solr for Indexing Data How-to]
- [Taming Text]
- [Solr Cookbook - Third Edition]
- Scaling Solr
- Enterprise Lucene & Solr
- [Apache Solr 4 Cookbook]
- [Apache Solr 3.1 Cookbook]
- Apache Solr 5.x: Beginner's Guide
- [Einführung in Apache Solr (German)]
- Solr Quickstart
- Solr Tutorial The goal of is to provide a gentle introduction into Solr.
- Solr tutorial by Yonik Seely, creator of Solr.
- Search Hub Search across millions of pages related to Search.
- Solr Start accelerating your proficiency with Solr search engine.
- Solr'n Stuff Yonik Seely's Blog. Creator of Solr.
- Open Source Connections Experts on Solr.
- Lucidworks Blog Blog by Lucidworks.
- Sematext Blog Blog by Sematext.
- solr Official. Supports 5.x and 6.x.
- 2degrees/solr4 Supports 4.x.
- search-stack Appleseed Search Stack Docker composition. Uses Solr, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Mono, DotNet, ASPNet, NGINX, MySQL, PostgreSQL.
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