EC mapeditor provides functionality for creating maps with the webtools map JavaScript library (
It allows users to create a map in a familiar Drupal UI. You can add several layers in a map.
- Creating maps with settings for tiles, height, center, zooming, marker bounding.
- Creating map layer with data from different sources, with settings for marker color, layer switch control, popup behaviour, clustering.
- Map field formatter to output geofields as a webtools Map
- Admin UI for managing maps.
- Admin UI for managing map layers.
A couple of layer types (map layer bundles) will be included:
- URL layer. Layer that fetches map data from external URLs (KML or GeoJSON).
- Country layer. Layer that creates map data (country outlines) from country codes. Each country can be styled individually.
- Nodes layer. Layer that fetches map data from drupal nodes.
- Tile layer. Layer that provides additional background images (tiles)).
- CSV layer. Layer that fetches map data from a CSV field (table with latitude, longitude, title and URL column).
- As an anonymous user I can view maps
- As an editor I can create a map with multiple layers that can be enabled using the map layer control
- As an editor I can create map layers by entering URLs (kml GeoJSON)
- As an editor I can create map layers by entering country codes
- As an editor I can create map layers by entering CSV data with lat and lon
- As an editor I can create map layers by choosing background tiles (from EC tile server)
- As an editor I can create map layers by selecting nodes from the Drupal website
- As an administrator I can create Views that display as a map
- As an administrator I can configure a field so that it displays as a map
- As an administrator I can set the defaults for creating maps
- Enabled the ec_mapeditor_layer module
- Go to People > Permissions (admin/people/permissions) and assign permissions for the EC mapeditor and map layer modules.
- Go to Structure > Feature sets (admin/structure/feature-set)
- Enable a layer type module (for example CSV layer)
- Go to Structure > Map (admin/structure/maps) to create and edit maps.
- Go to Structure > Map layers (admin/structure/maps) to adminsiter map layers (you can create and edit them through the map edit form).
- Go to Structure > Map (admin/structure/maps).
- Click Add map
- Enter a name and description for the map
- Choose the map layer type and click Add new entity
- Enter the map layer details (can be different for eacht map layer type)
- Change the values for height, centering and zooming
- Click Save map
A field formatter is a setting for displaying field content. EC mapeditor provides a field formatter that allows displaying a latitude & longitude field as a map
- Select "Manage display" for the desired entity (node, user, taxonomy term, etc)
- In the select list "Format" of the field that contains the geo data (most often a geofield type field), choose "European Commission map"
- Click the cog wheel on the right to set the configuration options (such as tile, height, icon color, zoom levels et cetera)
- Click "Update" to update the settings
- Click "Save" to save the settings.
- Verify by viewing the entity.
EC mapeditor is provided by DG Connect's web team. Authors: Boris DOESBORG, Cedric ALLEN, Luca ARNAUDO Maps is provided by DG Communication's Webtools team. Acknowledgements: Laurent Jacques CORVELEYN, Christophe BRAIJE, Hannes REUTER The feature has been proposed for generic use to the product owners of Next Europa.
- Background maps available in the Webtools feature can only be used on European Commission and inter-institutional websites. For more info: Laurent Jacques CORVELEYN (COMM)
- Boundaries of countries and NUTS regions are copyright EuroGeographics and copyright UN-FAO and are for Inter-Institutional use only. For more info: Hannes REUTER (ESTAT)
- Maps is provided by the Webtools team
- DOESBORG Boris (CNECT) [email protected], developer, DG Connect
- ARNAUDO Luca (CNECT) [email protected], team leader, DG Connect
- Geofield
- Entity API
- Entity reference
- Inline entity form
- EC mapeditor wiki://
- Presentation:
- Demo:
- Corporate Map JavaScript library
- Drupal contrib Leaflet module
- Leaflet http://leaflet.js