#Notre Dame ttH multi-lepton framework
Analysis code for ttH H-->WW,ZZ,tautau-->2 or more leptons
Setup CMSSW and clone repositories by running:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cms-ttH/ttH-13TeVMultiLeptons/master/setup.sh|sh -
To create release for running lmits, use:
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/cms-ttH/ttH-13TeVMultiLeptons/master/setup_limit.sh|sh-
NOTE: Due to concurrent scram
usage, these may fail with errors. In this case, run scram b -j32
Then try running over some miniAOD:
voms-proxy-init -voms cms
cd ttH-13TeVMultiLeptons/TemplateMakers/test/
cmsRun osTwoLep_cfg.py
To view the tth-specific classes' TLorentzVectors in the TBrowser, add the following to your rootlogon.C file (assuming you've setup cmssw):
If curious look inside setup_limit.sh to see what it is doing. Now, make the histograms for the datacard:
cd TemplateMakers/test/
root -l makeStackPlotsFinalShape.C+