- doc Documentation
- prj ISE project files
- src VHDL & Verilog source files ---- gbt GBT source files -------- vendor GBT-FPGA project files ---- ics Interfaces to ICs on the OptoHybrid ---- ipcores Xilinx cores ---- packages Types & constants definition ---- routines High-level software routines implemented in firmware ---- seu SEU tools ---- system Functions that compose the backbone of the architecture ---- tests Test benches ---- ucf User Constraints Files ---- vfat2 Low-level VFAT2 functions
- tools Scripts that help the development process
- Only use IN and OUT modes
- Give _i or _o suffixes to signals
- Vectors always start at 0
- Vectors always go from MSB downto LSB
- Use synchronous resets
- Initialize all signals in reset
- All signals are active high
- Use the rising edge of the clock
- Synchronous processes only have the clock as sensitive signal
- The file’s name is the entity’s name
- Use testbenches
- Testbenches are named after the entity with the _test suffix
- Use named signal mapping for entities
- Cover all the cases in conditions
- Use constants when possible