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Move and routines needed to create impact plots to combine #902

merged 12 commits into from
Jun 7, 2024
399 changes: 399 additions & 0 deletions python/tool_base/

Large diffs are not rendered by default.

125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions python/tool_base/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python

from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import ROOT

import HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.tool_base.utils as utils
from HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.tool_base.opts import OPTS

from HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.tool_base.CombineToolBase import CombineToolBase
from six.moves import range
import ctypes

class CovMatrix(CombineToolBase):
description = 'Build a fit covariance matrix from scan results'
requires_root = True

def __init__(self):

def attach_args(self, group):
CombineToolBase.attach_args(self, group)
group.add_argument('-i', '--input', nargs='+', default=[],
help='The input file containing the MultiDimFit singles mode output')
'-o', '--output', help='The output name in the format file:prefix')
'-P', '--POIs', help='The params that were scanned (in scan order)')
'--POIs-from-set', help='Extract from file:workspace:set instead')
group.add_argument('--compare', help='Compare to RooFitResult')

def run_method(self):
POIs = []
if args.POIs is not None:
POIs = args.POIs.split(',')
if args.POIs_from_set is not None:
ws_in = args.POIs_from_set.split(':')
POIs = list_from_workspace(ws_in[0], ws_in[1], ws_in[2])
# res = { }
# if len(args.input) == 1:
# res.update(get_singles_results(args.input, POIs, POIs))
# elif len(args.input) > 1:
# assert len(args.input) == len(POIs)
# for i in range(len(POIs)):
# res.update(get_singles_results(args.input[i], [POIs[i]], POIs))
# for p in POIs:
# val = res[p][p]
# print '%s = %.3f -%.3f/+%.3f' % (p, val[1], val[1] - val[0], val[2] - val[1])
# print res
# cor = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(len(POIs))
# cov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(len(POIs))
# for i,p in enumerate(POIs):
# cor[i][i] = ctypes.c_double(1.) # diagonal correlation is 1
# cov[i][i] = ctypes.c_double(pow((res[p][p][2] - res[p][p][0])/2.,2.)) # symmetrized error
# for i,ip in enumerate(POIs):
# for j,jp in enumerate(POIs):
# if i == j: continue
# val_i = ((res[ip][jp][2] - res[ip][jp][0])/2.)/math.sqrt(cov[j][j])
# val_j = ((res[jp][ip][2] - res[jp][ip][0])/2.)/math.sqrt(cov[i][i])
# correlation = (val_i+val_j)/2. # take average correlation?
# correlation = min(val_i,val_j, key=abs) # take the max?
# cor[i][j] = correlation
# cor[j][i] = correlation
# covariance = correlation * math.sqrt(cov[i][i]) * math.sqrt(cov[j][j])
# cov[i][j] = covariance
# cov[j][i] = covariance
compare = is not None
if compare:
f_in =':')
f = ROOT.TFile(f_in[0])
fitres = f.Get(f_in[1])
fitres_cov = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(len(POIs))
fitres_cov_src = fitres.covarianceMatrix()
fitres_cor = ROOT.TMatrixDSym(len(POIs))
fitres_cor_src = fitres.correlationMatrix()
ipos = []
for p in POIs:
for i, ip in enumerate(POIs):
for j, jp in enumerate(POIs):
fitres_cor[i][j] = ctypes.c_double(
fitres_cov[i][j] = ctypes.c_double(
# print 'My correlation matrix:'
# cor.Print()
if compare:
print('RooFitResult correlation matrix:')
# print 'My covariance matrix:'
# cov.Print()
if compare:
print('RooFitResult covariance matrix:')
if args.output is not None:
out = args.output.split(':')
fout = ROOT.TFile(out[0], 'RECREATE')
prefix = out[1]
# fout.WriteTObject(cor, prefix+'_cor')
# h_cor = self.fix_TH2(ROOT.TH2D(cor), POIs)
# fout.WriteTObject(h_cor, prefix+'_h_cor')
# fout.WriteTObject(cov, prefix+'_cov')
# h_cov = self.fix_TH2(ROOT.TH2D(cov), POIs)
# fout.WriteTObject(h_cov, prefix+'_h_cov')
if compare:
fout.WriteTObject(fitres_cor, prefix + '_comp_cor')
h_cor_compare = self.fix_TH2(ROOT.TH2D(fitres_cor), POIs)
fout.WriteTObject(h_cor_compare, prefix + '_comp_h_cor')
fout.WriteTObject(fitres_cov, prefix + '_comp_cov')
h_cov_compare = self.fix_TH2(ROOT.TH2D(fitres_cov), POIs)
fout.WriteTObject(h_cov_compare, prefix + '_comp_h_cov')

def fix_TH2(self, h, labels):
h_fix = h.Clone()
for y in range(1, h.GetNbinsY() + 1):
for x in range(1, h.GetNbinsX() + 1):
x, y, h.GetBinContent(x, h.GetNbinsY() + 1 - y))
for x in range(1, h_fix.GetNbinsX() + 1):
h_fix.GetXaxis().SetBinLabel(x, labels[x - 1])
for y in range(1, h_fix.GetNbinsY() + 1):
h_fix.GetYaxis().SetBinLabel(y, labels[-y])
return h_fix
255 changes: 255 additions & 0 deletions python/tool_base/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,255 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from __future__ import print_function
import itertools
import HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.tool_base.utils as utils
import json
import os
import bisect
from HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.tool_base.opts import OPTS
from HiggsAnalysis.CombinedLimit.tool_base.CombineToolBase import CombineToolBase
import six
from six.moves import zip

def isfloat(value):
return True
except ValueError:
return False

class EnhancedCombine(CombineToolBase):
description = 'combine pass-through with special treatment for some options [DEFAULT]'
requires_root = False

def __init__(self):

def attach_intercept_args(self, group):
CombineToolBase.attach_intercept_args(self, group)
'-m', '--mass', help='Supports range strings for multiple masses, e.g. "120:130:5,140 will produce three combine calls with mass values of 120, 125, 130 and 140"')
'--points', help='For use with "-M MultiDimFit --algo grid" to split scan points into separate jobs')
'--singlePoint', help='Supports range strings for multiple points to test, uses the same format as the --mass argument')
'-s', '--seed', help='Supports range strings for multiple RNG seeds, uses the same format as the --mass argument')
'-d', '--datacard', nargs='*', default=[], help='Operate on multiple datacards')
group.add_argument('--name', '-n', default='.Test',
help='Name used to label the combine output file, can be modified by other options')
'--setParameterRanges', help='Some other options will modify or add to the list of parameter ranges')

def attach_args(self, group):
CombineToolBase.attach_args(self, group)
'--opts', nargs='+', default=[], help='Add preset combine option groups')
'--there', action='store_true', help='Run combine in the same directory as the workspace')
group.add_argument('--split-points', type=int, default=0,
help='When used in conjunction with --points will create multiple combine calls that each run at most the number of points specified here.')
'--boundlist', help='Name of json-file which contains the ranges of physical parameters depending on the given mass and given physics model')
'--generate', nargs='*', default=[], help='Generate sets of options')

def set_args(self, known, unknown):
CombineToolBase.set_args(self, known, unknown)
if hasattr(self.args, 'opts'):
for opt in self.args.opts:

def run_method(self):
# Put the method back in because we always take it out
self.put_back_arg('method', '-M')

# cmd_queue = []
subbed_vars = {}

# pre_cmd = ''

if self.args.mass is not None:
mass_vals = utils.split_vals(self.args.mass)
subbed_vars[('MASS',)] = [(mval,) for mval in mass_vals]
self.passthru.extend(['-m', '%(MASS)s'])

if self.args.singlePoint is not None:
single_points = utils.split_vals(self.args.singlePoint)
subbed_vars[('SINGLEPOINT',)] = [(pval,) for pval in single_points]
self.passthru.extend(['--singlePoint', '%(SINGLEPOINT)s']) += '.POINT.%(SINGLEPOINT)s'

if self.args.seed is not None:
seed_vals = utils.split_vals(self.args.seed)
subbed_vars[('SEED',)] = [(sval,) for sval in seed_vals]
self.passthru.extend(['-s', '%(SEED)s'])

for i, generate in enumerate(self.args.generate):
split_char = ':' if '::' in generate else ';'
gen_header, gen_content = generate.split(split_char*2)
gen_headers = gen_header.split(split_char)
gen_entries = gen_content.split(split_char)
key = tuple()
arglist = []
for header in gen_headers:
if header == 'n' or header == 'name': += '.%(GENNAME' + str(i) + ')s'
key += ('GENNAME' + str(i),)
self.passthru.extend(['%(' + header + ')s'])
key += (header,)
for entry in gen_entries:
if ',,' in entry:
split_entry = entry.split(',,')
split_entry = entry.split(',')
final_arg = []
for header, e in zip(gen_headers, split_entry):
argname = '-%s' % header if len(header) == 1 else '--%s' % header
if header == 'n' or header == 'name':
elif len(e) and e != '!':
final_arg.append('%s %s' % (argname, e))
subbed_vars[key] = arglist

if len(self.args.datacard) >= 1:
# Two lists of tuples, one which does specify the mass, and one
# which doesn't
dc_mass = []
dc_no_mass = []
for dc in self.args.datacard:
# Split workspace into path and filename
path, file = os.path.split(dc)
# If the wsp is in the current directory should call it '.'
if path == '':
path = '.'
# If we're not using the --there option then leave the
# workspace argument as the full path
if not self.args.there:
file = dc
# Figure out if the enclosing directory is a mass value
dirs = path.split('/')
if self.args.mass is None and len(dirs) >= 1 and isfloat(dirs[-1]):
print('Assuming card %s uses mass value %s' % (dc, dirs[-1]))
dc_mass.append((path, file, dirs[-1]))
dc_no_mass.append((path, file))
# If at least one mass value was inferred assume all of them are like this
if len(dc_mass) > 0:
subbed_vars[('DIR', 'DATACARD', 'MASS')] = dc_mass
self.passthru.extend(['-d', '%(DATACARD)s', '-m', '%(MASS)s'])
subbed_vars[('DIR', 'DATACARD',)] = dc_no_mass
self.passthru.extend(['-d', '%(DATACARD)s'])
# elif len(self.args.datacard) == 1:
# self.passthru.extend(['-d', self.args.datacard[0]])

current_ranges = self.args.setParameterRanges
put_back_ranges = current_ranges is not None

if self.args.boundlist is not None:
# We definitely don't need to put the parameter ranges back
# into the args because they're going in via the boundlist
# option instead
put_back_ranges = False
with open(self.args.boundlist) as json_file:
bnd = json.load(json_file)
bound_pars = list(bnd.keys())
print('Found bounds for parameters %s' % ','.join(bound_pars))
# Fill a dictionaries of the bound info of the form:
# { 'PAR1' : [(MASS, LOWER, UPER), ...], ...}
bound_vals = {}
for par in bound_pars:
bound_vals[par] = list()
for mass, bounds in six.iteritems(bnd[par]):
bound_vals[par].append((float(mass), bounds[0], bounds[1]))
bound_vals[par].sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
# find the subbed_vars entry containing the mass
# We will extend it to also specify the ranges
dict_key = None
mass_idx = None
for key in subbed_vars.keys():
if 'MASS' in key:
dict_key = key
mass_idx = dict_key.index('MASS')
new_key = dict_key + ('MODELBOUND',)
new_list = []
for entry in subbed_vars[dict_key]:
command = []
if current_ranges is not None:
mval = entry[mass_idx]
for par in bound_pars:
# The (mass, None, None) is just a trick to make bisect_left do the comparison
# with the list of tuples in bound_var[par]. The +1E-5 is to avoid float rounding
# issues
lower_bound = bisect.bisect_left(bound_vals[par], (float(mval)+1E-5, None, None))
# If lower_bound == 0 this means we are at or below the lowest mass point,
# in which case we should increase by one to take the bounds from this lowest
# point
if lower_bound == 0:
lower_bound += 1
command.append('%s=%g,%g' % (par, bound_vals[par][lower_bound-1][1], bound_vals[par][lower_bound-1][2]))
new_list.append(entry + (str(':'.join(command)),))
# now remove the current mass information from subbed_vars
# and replace it with the updated one
del subbed_vars[dict_key]
subbed_vars[new_key] = new_list
self.passthru.extend(['--setParameterRanges', '%(MODELBOUND)s'])

# We might need to put the intercepted --setParameterRanges arg back in
if put_back_ranges:
self.put_back_arg('setParameterRanges', '--setParameterRanges')

if self.args.points is not None:
self.passthru.extend(['--points', self.args.points])
if (self.args.split_points is not None and
self.args.split_points > 0 and
self.args.points is not None):
points = int(self.args.points)
split = self.args.split_points
start = 0
ranges = []
while (start + (split - 1)) < points:
# filename = "higgsCombine"".POINTS."+str(start)+"."+str(start+(split-1))+".MultiDimFit.mH"+str(self.args.mass)+".root"
# if (not os.path.isfile(filename)) or (os.path.getsize(filename)<1024):
# # Send job, if the file it's supposed to create doesn't exist yet
# # or if the file is empty because the previous job didn't finish
ranges.append((start, start + (split - 1)))
start += split
if start < points:
# filename = "higgsCombine"".POINTS."+str(start)+"."+str(points - 1)+".MultiDimFit.mH"+str(self.args.mass)+".root"
# if (not os.path.isfile(filename)) or (os.path.getsize(filename)<1024):
ranges.append((start, points - 1))
#if (ranges == []):
# print "No jobs were created; All files already exist"
# exit()
subbed_vars[('P_START', 'P_END')] = [(r[0], r[1]) for r in ranges]
['--firstPoint %(P_START)s --lastPoint %(P_END)s']) += '.POINTS.%(P_START)s.%(P_END)s'

# can only put the name option back now because we might have modified
# it from what the user specified
self.put_back_arg('name', '-n')
proto = 'combine ' + (' '.join(self.passthru))
if self.args.there:
proto = 'pushd %(DIR)s; combine ' + (' '.join(self.passthru))+'; popd'

for it in itertools.product(*list(subbed_vars.values())):
keys = list(subbed_vars.keys())
dict = {}
for i, k in enumerate(keys):
for tuple_i, tuple_ele in enumerate(k):
dict[tuple_ele] = it[i][tuple_i]
self.job_queue.append(proto % dict)