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Carson Barry edited this page Sep 4, 2019 · 10 revisions

The 'Database' is a set of flat JSON files that are combined to create a Javascript object literal that can be included in the main app javascript.

  ships: { ... },
  modules: { ... }

An update-to-date version of the database is always published here: dist/index.json


Every ship has it's own file as can be seen here.

  "anaconda": {  // Unique Ship Key / ID
    "properties": { ... }, // Set of standard properties
    "slots": {
      "standard": [
        // Class size for each of the standard/common slots in the following order
        // Power Plant, Thrusters, FSD, Lie Support, Power Distributor, Sensors, Fuel Tank
      "hardpoints": [
        // Class size for each Hardpoint slot/mount in order of largest to lowest
      "internal": [
        // Class size for each Internal Component slot in order of largest to lowest
    // 'Factory' default components
    "defaults": {  // Arrays of component IDs used in the slot, 0 = Empty slot
      "standard": [ ... ],
      "hardpoints": [ ... ],
      "internal": [ ... ]
    "bulkheads: [ ... ]


Modules have been grouped into the following categories: standard, hardpoints, and internal. Bulkheads are are treated separately since each ship has it's own set of bulkheads. Each Ship JSON file also contains it's bulkheads.

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