# build golang definitions
protoc -I. argus.proto --go_out=plugins=grpc:golang
# build c++ definitions
protoc -I. argus.proto --grpc_out=c++ --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_cpp_plugin`
protoc -I. argus.proto --cpp_out=c++
# [optional] build c++ health definitions; golang has these readily available
protoc -I. health.proto --grpc_out=c++ --plugin=protoc-gen-grpc=`which grpc_cpp_plugin`
protoc -I. health.proto --cpp_out=c++
- the header which declares your generated message classesargus.pb.cc
- which contains the implementation of your message classesargus.grpc.pb.h
- the header which declares your generated service classesargus.grpc.pb.cc
- which contains the implementation of your service classes
mockgen github.com/clustergarage/argus-proto/golang \
ArgusdClient,Argusd_GetWatchStateClient,Argusd_RecordMetricsClient > \