A Swift implementation of the CloverConnector to enable iOS and MacOS to communicate with a tethered Clover Mini or Flex.
Current version: 4.0.0
- ObjectMapper - Provides JSON serialization and deserialization.
- SwiftyJSON - Provides simple JSON parsing.
- Starscream - provides websocket client capabilities. NOTE: we have forked this and made some small tweaks that improve large-file handling, so be sure to point to our fork (example below).
This SDK is provided with an example implementation available at https://github.com/clover/remote-pay-ios-examples
- Update your Podspec to include the queuePriority branch of Starscream, 4.0.0 release/tag of CloverConnector, and the Swift 5.3 post_install script
- pod 'Starscream', :git => 'https://github.com/clover/Starscream.git', :branch => 'queuePriority-3.0.0'
- pod 'CloverConnector', :git => 'https://github.com/clover/remote-pay-ios.git', :tag => '4.0.0'
- Add the post_install script (see example) to set the Swift version of the pods to 5.3
- Example cocoapod (http://cocoapods.org/)
- Example cocoapod (http://cocoapods.org/)
platform :ios, '9.0'
target 'RegisterApp' do
# The queuePriority branch of our fork of the Starscream framework is required for reliable transport of large files
# Defining it here in the PodFile overrides the podspec dependency, which isn't allowed to specify a specific location and branch
pod 'Starscream', :git => 'https://github.com/clover/Starscream.git', :branch => 'queuePriority-3.0.0'
pod 'CloverConnector', :git => 'https://github.com/clover/remote-pay-ios.git', :tag => '4.0.0'
post_install do |installer|
['CloverConnector'].each do |targetName|
targets = installer.pods_project.targets.select { |target| target.name == targetName }
target = targets[0]
target.build_configurations.each do |config|
config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '5.3'
Sample code using CloverConnector
import CloverConnector
class ConnectionManager : DefaultCloverConnectorListener, PairingDeviceConfiguration {
var cc:ICloverConnector?
func connect() {
// load from previous pairing, or nil will force/require
// a new pairing with the device
let savedAuthToken = loadAuthToken()
let config = WebSocketDeviceConfiguration(endpoint: "wss://",
remoteApplicationID: "com.yourcompany.pos.app:4.3.5",
posName: "RegisterApp", posSerial: "ABC-123",
pairingAuthToken: savedAuthToken, pairingDeviceConfiguration: self)
cc = CloverConnectorFactory.createICloverConnector(config)
func doSale() {
// if onDeviceReady has been called
let saleRequest = SaleRequest(amount: 1743, externalId: "bc54de43f3")
// configure other properties of SaleRequest
// store the token to be loaded later by loadAuthToken
func saveAuthToken(token:String) {}
func loadAuthToken() -> String? { return nil }
// PairingDeviceConfiguration
func onPairingCode(pairingCode: String) {
// display pairingCode to user, to be entered on the Clover Mini
func onPairingSuccess(authToken: String) {
// pairing is successful
// save this authToken to pass in to the config for future connections
// so pairing will happen automatically
// DefaultCloverConnectorListener
// called when device is disconnected
override func onDeviceDisconnected() {}
// called when device is connected, but not ready for requests
override func onDeviceConnected() {}
// called when device is ready to take requests. Note: May be called more than once
override func onDeviceReady(info:MerchantInfo){}
// required if Mini wants the POS to verify a signature
override func onVerifySignatureRequest(signatureVerifyRequest: VerifySignatureRequest) {
//present signature to user, then
// acceptSignature(...) or rejectSignature(...)
// required if Mini wants the POS to verify a payment
override func onConfirmPaymentRequest(request: ConfirmPaymentRequest) {
//present 1 or more challenges to user, then
// or
// cc?.rejectPayment(...)
// override other callback methods
override func onSaleResponse(response:SaleResponse) {
if response.success {
// sale successful and payment is in the response (response.payment)
} else {
// sale failed or was canceled
override func onAuthResponse(response:AuthResponse) {}
override func onPreAuthResponse(response:PreAuthResponse) {}
// will provide UI information about the activity on the Mini,
// and may provide input options for the POS to select some
// options on behalf of the customer
override func onDeviceActivityStart(deviceEvent:CloverDeviceEvent){} // see CloverConnectorListener.swift for example of calling invokeInputOption from this callback
override func onDeviceActivityEnd(deviceEvent:CloverDeviceEvent){}
// etc.
- Release Notes
- Secure Network Pay Display
- Example Implementation
- Tutorial for the iOS SDK
- API Documentation
- Clover Developer Community
Copyright © 2020 Clover Network, Inc. All rights reserved.