This is a system for installing and managing tomcat configurations.
ChristopherDavenport.universal-java - Contingent on tomcat_use_java
variable. If this is set to false java_home
variable will need to be provided
ChristopherDavenport.apache-portable-runtime - Contingent on tomcat_use_apr
# defaults file for universal-tomcat
# Tomcat versions available
# 6.0.47
# 6.0.51
# 7.0.72
# 7.0.76
# 8.0.38
# 8.0.42
# 8.5.6
# 8.5.12
# 9.0.0.M18
tomcat_version: "8.5.12"
# Temporary Storage Directory
tomcat_tmp_storage: /tmp/tomcat-ansible
# Variable That Decides Installation of Dependency Java
# If Not Present Through This role variable java_home will
# need to be provided
tomcat_use_java: true
# Variable That Decides To Install the APR Role Dependency
tomcat_use_apr: true
tomcat_user_name: tomcat
tomcat_user_group: tomcat
tomcat_user_home: /home/{{ tomcat_user_name }}
tomcat_user_system: false
tomcat_port_shutdown: 8005
tomcat_port_connector: 8080
tomcat_port_redirect: 8443
tomcat_port_ajp: 8009
tomcat_java_opts: ""
tomcat_catalina_opts: ""
tomcat_base_dir: /opt
tomcat_catalina_home: "{{ tomcat_base_dir }}/tomcat"
tomcat_instance_path: "{{ tomcat_base_dir }}/tomcat"
tomcat_prefer_ipv4: true
tomcat_override_uri_encoding: ""
tomcat_prefer_urandom: true
tomcat_instance: tomcat
- manager
- manager-gui
- manager-script
- manager-jmx
- admin
- admin-gui
- admin-script
tomcat_users: []
# - name: tomcat
# password: tomcat
# roles: "manager-gui,admin-gui"
tomcat_debug: false
# This Edits And Allows Ansible To Configure These
# Otherwise it does a default install
tomcat_configure: true
tomcat_configure_configs: "{{ tomcat_configure }}"
tomcat_configure_libs: "{{ tomcat_configure }}"
tomcat_configure_webapps: "{{ tomcat_configure }}"
# These copy files across and will use basename
tomcat_extra_libs_path: []
tomcat_webapps_path: []
# Strings That Allow you to modify your
# tomcat instance in a predictable fashion.
tomcat_extra_global_naming_resources: ""
tomcat_context_xml_header_extra: ""
tomcat_context_xml_extra: ""
# Disable or enable session persistence
tomcat_disable_persistence_across_restarts: false
# Custom Configuration Files
tomcat_use_custom_server_xml: false
# tomcat_custom_server_xml: Path
tomcat_use_custom_web_xml: false
# tomcat_custom_web_xml: Path
tomcat_use_custom_context_xml: false
# tomcat_custom_context_xml: Path
tomcat_use_custom_tomcat_users_xml: false
# tomcat_custom_tomcat_users_xml: Path
tomcat_use_custom_manager_context_xml: false
# tomcat_custom_manager_context_xml: Path
# Tomcat major version
tomcat_version_major: "{{ tomcat_version.0 }}"
tomcat_tar_archive: "apache-tomcat-{{ tomcat_version }}.tar.gz"
- conf
- logs
- webapps
- temp
- bin
- lib
- work
checksum: md5:7b848f76b605c0fd7fd5c7291a050ca4
web_xml_schema_version: 3.0
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.10"
checksum: md5:c18a8f0cb5966d3f599d49cafeaf7c54
web_xml_schema_version: 3.0
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.12"
checksum: md5:c24bfae15bb9c510451a05582aae634d
web_xml_schema_version: 3.0
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.10"
checksum: md5:ae2e481f918eb2a99a0e47a07e5f1671
web_xml_schema_version: 3.0
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.12"
checksum: md5:9f71353dfba0184c23ecd4743e4132ff
web_xml_schema_version: 3.1
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.10"
checksum: md5:cb1f5e098024df2bb19c581eca180a2a
web_xml_schema_version: 3.1
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.12"
checksum: md5:3cabfc2d3c320b7eb62f8a94da0447ea
web_xml_schema_version: 3.1
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.12"
checksum: md5:e273e27deb1828ae5f19374616b9fba8
web_xml_schema_version: 3.1
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.10"
checksum: md5:c2e6eca5a0642d1e30fbe3573b96ab75
web_xml_schema_version: 3.1
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.12"
checksum: md5:626e16b93de65b2a58714ed50f00d9f9
web_xml_schema_version: 3.1
tomcat_native_version: "1.2.12"
- hosts: servers
- role: ChristopherDavenport.universal-tomcat
become: yes
This role was created in 2016 by ChristopherDavenport.