#### STEP 1: Clone or download cloudmesh.mesos repository to local machine in '~/github/' directory
git clone https://github.com/cloudmesh/cloudmesh.mesos.git
#### STEP 2: Install & configure Ansible and Cloudmesh Client using their respective documentations
#### STEP 3: Create a secgroup with the following ports open
5050 - required for master
5051 - required for agents
80, 443, 22 - for HTTP, HTTPS and SSH respectively
Preferably all tcp and icmp ports should be open
(In this deployment, a secgroup named mesos-secgroup is used. It can be changed as required in the scripts/create-cluster.sh)
#### STEP 4: Start deployment
#### STEP 5: Get the IP addresses of the nodes of the deployed cluster
cm cluster nodes
#### STEP 6: ssh into each VM and run the following commands from the '~/mesos-1.2.0/build/' directory for each VM
sudo make
sudo make check -j 2 V=0
(Both this commands take 30-50 minutes each)
#### STEP 7: On a seperate terminal - Run mesos-master
#### STEP 8: On a seperate terminal - Run agent 1
#### STEP 7: On a seperate terminal - Run agent 2
#### STEP 8: On a seperate terminal - Run framework
#### STEP 9: Fetch output after execution completes (This can be seen on the UI: 'http://<MasterIP>:5050')
MasterIP is the second ip in the list given by 'cm cluster nodes'
Fetching the output: ./scripts/fetch-output.sh
We have also created a script to delete all the existing clusters