CAPI 1.4.0
- An issue was discovered in the nproc resource limit in Diego RunActions feature which has been reverted in CAPI 1.5.0. As CAPI 1.4.0 never appeared in a final cf-release, this should be a non-issue for those using CAPI release as distributed with cf-release.
CC API Version: 2.62.0
Service Broker API Version: 2.10
CAPI Release
Cloud Controller
- Cloud controller should support Google Cloud Storage details
- Seeding App Domains should support a Sub-domain of the system domain details
- Isolation Segments - Experimental
- As an admin, I can remove the isolation segment associated with a space. details
- As an admin, I can associate an isolation segment with a space details
- As an admin, I can update an isolation segment details
- As an admin, I can delete an isolation segment details
- As an admin, I can view the isolation segments details
- As an admin, I can create an isolation segment details
- As a CF operator, I expect the CC-Bridge components to set nproc limits on RunActions for Diego LRPs and Tasks details
- As a CF operator, I expect the CC-Bridge components to set nproc limits on RunActions for Diego LRPs and Tasks details