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Getting Started

Khash Sajadi edited this page Jun 4, 2019 · 1 revision


Copper validates configuration files using Rules. Rules are descriptions of what you would like to see (or don't see) in a configuration file. You can think of Rules like code unit tests, but for configuration.


Copper is available as a Ruby gem. We recommend installing Copper using Rubygems.

To install Copper, use the following command:

$ gem install c66-copper

You should now be able to run

$ copper version

Copper DSL

To define the rules, Copper uses a simple DSL. The Copper DSL looks like Javascript and is very easy to use. The Copper DSL has specific built-in features that are useful in writing rules for Kubernetes configuration files.

Rules are stored in files and each file can contain one of many rules. You can run a rule file against a configuration file using Copper CLI.

Writing your first rule file

Open up your favorite text editor and enter the following text into a new file called my_rule.cop:

rule ApiV1Only ensure {
	fetch("$.apiVersion").first == "v1" // we only allow the use of v1 API functions

Let's break this down

Line 1: Define a rule called ApiV1Only. We want to make sure this rule is always applied and the validation fails if the rule is broken, so we we make the rule an ensure one.

Line 2: We use the fetch function to get the value of a node in the configuration file. fetch always returns an array of all found matches so we use .first to get the first one and compare it with "v1" string.

Validate with your first rule

Now that you have the rule to check for the API version, let's have a look at the configuration file. If you have a Kubernetes configuration file, you can use this rule against that (as all Kubernetes configuration files have the apiVersion attribute). Here is an example you can use:

apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
  namespace: foobar
  name: foo-svc
  type: NodePort
  - port: 8080
    targetPort: 8090

Let's save this file as service.yml and validate it.

Using Copper CLI

With your rule my_rule.cop and configuration file service.yml to hand, hit the Copper CLI:

$ copper check --rules my_rule.cop --file service.yml

You should now see something like this (without the line numbers):

Validating part 0
    ApiV1Only - PASS

Line 1: Copper CLI can read multi-part YAML files, separated by ---. Validating part 0 means Copper is now validating the first part of the YAML configuration file. As our configuration file only has 1 part, we are only going to see Validation part 0.

Line 2: This line shows that rule ApiV1Only has passed the validation successfully.

Now let's break the test

As with all good unit tests, you need make sure they work by breaking them!

apiVersion: extensions/v1beta1
kind: Service

Now let's run the validation again:

Validating part 0
    ApiV1Only - FAIL

Taking it one step further

Now let's allow both v1 and extensions/v1betavalues asapiVersion` in our configuration files, but nothing more:

rule ApiV1Only ensure {
	fetch("$.apiVersion").first == "v1" or // both v1
	fetch("$.apiVersion").first == "extensions/v1beta1" // and v1beta are allowed



You successfully wrote your first Copper rule and validated a Kubernetes configuration file! Now let's explore the power of Copper DSL.