This is a Python script that checks if an item is in stock, shipped by Amazon, and under a certain price limit. The script will then purchase the item with limited captcha solving abilities.
Example: script to buy an item on Amazon (Please do not use this script for scalping, this is simply a free open source solution for those that want a console but are unable to get one)
forked from yosh1/amazon-automation & druyang/amazon-PS5-automation
Things to check for on Amazon/potential edge cases:
- Amazon 2FA must be disabled and this will expose your account to security problems
- 1 Click buy sometimes does not work. Sometimes it does.
- Behavior is dependent on your default shipping address and payment method. Use at your own risk
Detect when Amazon sends to captcha by detecting for text on the captcha page. After detecting, call the validate_captcha
- Python 3
- Python modules in
- WebDriver for Chrome in same directory
Recommended to be run on Linux or Max. Would be a good script to run on a raspberry pi or server
- Starts Selenium
- Loops the following until all attributes of the item are correct:
Verifies item is in stock
Verifies the price is less than the set maximum
Checks to make sure the shipper is from
NOTE: I used shipper instead of seller because quite a few items are not actually sold by Amazon. Change this on a case by case basis
- Logs in
- Adds to cart
- Checks out
Sample Log:
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:36] INFO - Started Chrome
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:39] INFO - Starting purchase process...
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:39] INFO - Checking stock...
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:39] INFO - Item is in-stock!
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:39] INFO - price of item is: $39.99
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:39] INFO - Checking shipper...
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:39] INFO - Successfully verified shipper as: Amazon
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:39] INFO - Logging in as [email protected]
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:41] INFO - Checking out...
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:57] INFO - Placed order!
[26/Nov/2020 19:37:57] INFO - Successfully purchased item
Testing notes:
- Confirmed loops when item is not in stock
- Does not buy when shipper/price are incorrect!
- Buys when instock and seller/price are correct
$ cp .env.sample .env
$ pip install -r requirements.txt
$ python3
Alternatively use Docker:
$ docker-compose build
$ docker-compose up -d
Under MIT License. Use at your own risk.