TO means touch. Tomo uses Swept Frequency Capacitive Sensing (SFCS) a concept explored by Disney Research Labs on this paper. The Arduino implementation is based on the documentation by ILLUTRON and developed by Cleniem. The internal ongoing research on SFCS can be found at fablabbcn/TouchE.
MO means Mozzi an amazing library for sound synthesis library for Arduino developed by Tim Barrass. This means you can create sounds with it from simple tones to delays and echos. We will soon add *.WAV palying functionality too.
- Small
- Portable
- Easy
- Fun
- and it runs on batteries for a week!
This project was developed with the support of the EASTN (The European Art-Science-Technology Network) at Fab Lab Barcelona. The first real setup was done for the FAV Festival in Monpellier in June 2014.