i've written a script, where you can load a csv file from someones IG Reel export ( done with the chrome extension Sort Feed | App for Instagram™) (your IG must be set to english to work)
This returns a csv of the most viral reels.
Then i have a python script, which generates for each video a pdf with screenshots, for each jumpcut, with timestamps and duration.
it also generates a new statistics CSV with
Avg Clip duration
median clip duration
those python packages are required:
pip install yt-dlp
pip install opencv-python
pip install reportlab
pip install numpy
so you need:
the chrome extension
a python ide
the req. python packages
a csv export from the chrome extension
then you run the python script and it generates for each reel over 100k views a pdf with screenshots and durations for each clip out of that reel. + some addional statstic