Standards Information System, version 2.3.0
What's Changed
- More pronounced division between the format and the standards section, with development focusing on the former, per the Standards Committee's decision;
- functionality for more pronounced statistics, including formats most "popular" in the given domain and laying the basis for computing the format-related KPI measurement;
- better search options, functionality for the use of keywords (cloud now on the front page) and for implementing visualisation of formal format families (as opposed to functional domains);
- consolidated sanity checks;
- credits: @bansp, @margaretha ;
- see the corresponding milestone for discussions of the particular issues.
Some of the choices leading to this version are discussed in "Standards in CLARIN" by Piotr Bański and Hanna Hedeland -- a chapter of the forthcoming anniversary CLARIN book.
Full Changelog: v2.2.0...v2.3.0