The following dependencies have been installed using the laptop script and you SHOULD NOT have to install these manually.
Install rcm:
brew tap thoughtbot/formulae
brew install rcm
Clone onto your laptop:
mkdir -p ~/Development && cd ~/Development
git clone
Install the dotfiles:
env RCRC=$HOME/Development/dotfiles/rcrc rcup
After the initial installation, you can run rcup
without the one-time variable
being set (rcup
will symlink the repo's rcrc
to ~/.rcrc
for future
runs of rcup
). See
This command will create symlinks for config files in your home directory.
Setting the RCRC
environment variable tells rcup
to use standard
configuration options:
- Exclude the
files, which are part of thedotfiles
repository but do not need to be symlinked in. - Give precedence to personal overrides which by default are placed in
You can safely run rcup
multiple times to update:
You should run rcup
after pulling a new version of the repository to symlink
any new files in the repository.
Create a directory for your personal customizations:
mkdir ~/Development/dotfiles.local
Put your customizations in ~/dotfiles.local
appended with .local
(we supply a blankpsqlrc.local
to preventpsql
from throwing an error, but you should overwrite the file with your own copy)
For example, your ~/.aliases.local
might look like this:
# Productivity
alias todo='$EDITOR ~/.todo'
Your ~/.gitconfig.local
might look like this:
l = log --pretty=colored
colored = format:%Cred%h%Creset %s %Cgreen(%cr) %C(bold blue)%an%Creset
name = Dan Croak
email = [email protected]
To extend your git
hooks, create executable scripts in
Your ~/.bash.local
might look like this:
# load pyenv if available
if which pyenv &>/dev/null ; then
eval "$(pyenv init -)"
The CivilCode Inc. dotfiles is based on and inspired by thoughtbot's dotfiles.
thoughtbot's original work remains covered under an MIT License.
The CivilCode Collective, a group of freelance developers, build tailored business applications in Elixir and Phoenix in Montreal, Canada.