Releases: cisco-open/ndfc-roles
v0.1.4-beta release
- Fixes documentation and example playbooks for ndfc_policy_vrf_rt_import_evpn_loop
- Simplifies ndfc_rest_vpc_create
v0.1.3-beta release
v0.1.3-beta Changes
- device_info_get - fix connection error
- Fix vpc/device names in example playbooks
- ndfc_vpc_config_get - new role
- ndfc_rest_vpc_create - remove need to specify fabric_name
- ndfc_vpc_interface_merged_all - simplified logic
v0.1.2-beta release
- - remove links and references to several deprecated roles
- - add links to multiple roles
- - fix documentation summary for several roles
- ndfc_rest_device_list_by_fabric - changed returned var from 'info' to 'switch_list'
- Fixed connection errors in the following roles:
5.1 ndfc_device_deleted
5.2 ndfc_device_deleted_all
5.3 ndfc_device_merged
5.4 ndfc_vrf_all - ndfc_device_merged_all - fixed loop (loop was not limiting devices to the specified fabric)
- ndfc_fabrics_active_fabrics_get - add example playbook
- ndfc_fabric_active_fabrics_get - removed (was a duplicate of ndfc_rest_fabric_active_fabrics_get)
- ndfc_network_deleted_all - revived this role (somehow it was deleted in v0.1.1-beta)
- ndfc_network_replaced - fixed potential connection issue
- ndfc_policy_query_generated_config_all - renamed to ndfc_device_generated_configs_all_get
- ndfc_policy_query_interface_all - renamed to ndfc_device_interface_config_all_get
- ndfc_rest_fabric_access_mode_set - fixed issue where fabric access_mode was not being set
- ndfc_rest_fabric_info_get - new role
- ndfc_rest_fabric_external_create - added default var IS_READ_ONLY
- Removed several undocumented roles
- Removed need to specify fabric_name in several roles
- Fixed/improved documentation for several roles
v0.1.1-beta Release
NOTE: This release is not compatible with earlier releases due to changes in the underlying data structure.
1. Converted entries in roles/ndfc_common/vars/main.yml from lists to dictionaries. With dictionaries, entries can be reordered without ill effects.
2. Removed several roles, including:
ndfc_device_query - Replaced with ndfc_device_info_get
ndfc_device_query_all - No replacement. The same result can be obtained with ndfc_device_info_get
ndfc_network_deleted_all - Replaced with ndfc_*_network_deleted_all (see below)
ndfc_policy_vrf_rt_import - Replaced with ndfc_policy_vrf_rt_import_evpn
ndfc_policy_vrf_rt_import_loop - Replaced with ndfc_policy_vrf_rt_import_evpn_loop
3. Renamed roles and their corresponding playbooks:
ndfc_rest_fabric_create -> ndfc_rest_fabric_switch_create
4. Added several roles, including
ndfc_device_config_get - retrieve locally-defined configuration for device
ndfc_device_info_get - retrieve remote (NDFC) configuration for device
ndfc_device_ipv4_address_local_get - retrieve locally-defined device ipv4_address
ndfc_device_ipv4_address_remote_get - retrieve remote (NDFC) value for device ipv4_address
ndfc_fabric_config_get - retrieve locally-defined configuration for fabric
ndfc_network_config_get - retrieve locally-defined configuration for network
ndfc_network_deleted_external_fabric_all - delete all networks in an external fabric
ndfc_network_deleted_msd_fabric_all - delete all networks in a msd fabric
ndfc_network_deleted_switch_fabric_all - delete all networks in a switch fabric
ndfc_rest_fabric_active_fabrics_get - return list of active fabrics
ndfc_vrf_config_get - retrieve locally-defined configuration for vrf
5. All roles saw some changes to accommodate the new data structure and many roles were simplified.
6. Renamed playbook:
example_ndfc_rest_fabric_create_msd_with_children.yml -> example_ndfc_rest_fabric_msd_create_with_children.yml
Last alpha release
NOTE: This release, and all previous releases, will be incompatible with the next release due to underlying data structure changes.
Full Changelog: allenrobel/ndfc-roles@v0.1.4-alpha...v0.1.5-alpha
Fix breakage in ndfc_rest_rediscover + doc improvements
We renamed the role ndfc_rest_rediscover, but didn't rename the role's directory :-(
Added links in the main to each of the roles
Added documentation for the msd_fabrics dictionary
Several other minor cleanup changes
Full Changelog: allenrobel/ndfc-roles@v0.1.3-alpha...v0.1.4-alpha
MSD Fabric and various other enhancements
Changes in this release:
- Restructured to better accommodate MSD fabrics
- new role for child fabric removal from MSD fabric
- new role to delete individual networks
- new role to save-config and deploy-config for a single device
- Added bool() toggle to skip (or not) config-save and config-deploy
- This example playbook, completely zeros out the topology (removes all devices, networks, vrfs, MSD and child fabrics).
Renamed all roles utilizing REST for consistency
- Move MSD fabric to its own list (msd_fabrics) since the structure is different from fabrics in the fabrics list, and also in anticipation of possible future support for more than one MSD fabric
Removed call to ndfc_rest_config_deploy_all after MSD fabric creation
Updated README docs for clarity and to fix various stale/changed info
MSD Fabric Addition
This release adds Roles to create an MSD fabric and add child fabrics to it. Currently, the user has no control of MSD fabric parameters. We will add this control to the next alpha release.
Initial Alpha Release
Initial release for review.
Full Changelog: