The aim of this project is to generate basic CRUD code for both Android/iOS for local sqlite database access so that the code can be shared between the 2 platforms.
This application is developed using ExpressJS 3.0.
- First install Node.JS & Express.
- Run the app with "node app.js" .
- Access the server app via http://localhost:3000 after installing.
- Create a SQLite Database.
- Update configuration path under config folder > index.js. Update dbPath to point to the created database.
- The default test database is under db folder(test.db)
- Currently only supported TEXT/NUMERIC/REAL column data types generation. There must not be spaces or special characters for the table and column names;
- This project generate fmdb wrapper model/crud code for iOS, and SQLiteAssetHelper wrapper for Android.
- The code templates are put under the template folder. All special parameters are marked with {{template_Variable}}
<li>Majority of the code generation is put under viewtable.ejs</li>