#User Profile Extension for TTYtter
A very simple extension for TTYtter that adds commands allowing you to update your user profile.
Reference in your .ttytterrc
file like so:
It makes the following commands available:
- Update your profile description/profile-loc
- Update your location/profile-name
- Update your display name (not your username)/profile-url
- Update your profile URL/whoami
- Just a shortcut/alias for/whois <your username>
So, for example, you'd use it like follows:
TTYtter> /whoami <007
atomicules (atomicules) (f:92/76) (u:3409)
"Here is my old, out-of-date and boring profile description"
URL: http://atomicules.co.uk
Location: Way Up North, Scotland
Picture: http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1728062610/atomicules_normal.png
TTYtter> /profile-desc Here is my new, exciting profile description<103
Profile updated
>>> @atomicules user_updated @atomicules (basic)
TTYtter> /whoami <007
atomicules (atomicules) (f:92/76) (u:3409)
"Here is my new, exciting profile description"
URL: http://atomicules.co.uk
Location: Way Up North, Scotland
Picture: http://a0.twimg.com/profile_images/1728062610/atomicules_normal.png
I don't know what the hell I'm doing in Perl. It seems to work though. The only command I've tested is the profile description one, although there's no reason why the others shouldn't work.