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4.0.5: Support EditorConfig.

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@chusiang chusiang released this 24 Jul 16:42
· 4 commits to master since this release


  1. Start unify coding styles via EditorConfig.
  2. Stop support the Windows.
  3. [EditorConfig] Add debug mode config for quick switch. #31
  4. [keymap] Change new tab hotkey from tt to Ctrl-t.
  5. tagbar: support markdown headings.


  1. Change github id of @wildskyf.
  2. Change the custom filetype for ansible-vim v2.0
  3. Mark filetype indent on for support EditorConfig. #31
  4. Setting the encoding args to utf-8.
  5. Upgrade the Python from 3.6 to 3.7 for macOS #27
  6. [vim-markdown] Disable concealing "code blocks" syntax.


  1. Add "Alpine 3" stage.
  2. Integrate the Travis and Slack.
  3. Refactor via DOCKER_TAG variable.
  4. [Make] Add check, yaml_check, travis_check args.