author = {Nguyen, Diep Thi Ngoc and Nakayama, Hideki and Okazaki, Naoaki and Sakaeda, Tatsuya},
title = {PoB: Toward Reasoning Patterns of Beauty in Image Data},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 26th ACM International Conference on Multimedia},
series = {MM '18},
year = {2018},
isbn = {978-1-4503-5665-7},
location = {Seoul, Republic of Korea},
pages = {1786--1793},
numpages = {8},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3240508.3240711},
acmid = {3240711},
publisher = {ACM},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
keywords = {aesthetic assessment, armature pattern, composition, image dataset, visual grammar},
A dataset toward reasoning patterns of beauty in image data and construction of visual grammar.
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The PoB Dataset encodes the compositional patterns based on our defined 15 patterns in images. The PoB includes two datasets: Painting (4,959 images - a subset of the AVA dataset) and Photograph (10,000 images).
The folder includes 4 subfolders:
- ./images: images. Please download from here:
+ Paintings:
+ Photographs:
- ./Meier-seashore results: results of 25 participants for Meier-seashore art judgment test.
- ./patterns_annotated_results: annotated results of two annotators ("junior" and "senior") for each Painting and Photograph datasets.
- ./train_val_test: splitting of images by image_ids for pattern classification problem.
The PoB dataset is labeled based on pre-defined 15 armature (composition) patterns. In art practices and by experiments, there is a high correlation between those patterns and aesthetic values of pictures.
- Circular framing (O): Using three or four edges of a picture to frame the objects of interest at the center.
- Diagonal (/): An edge of a object or a series of lines running along two main diagonals of a picture to create a dynamic atmosphere.
- Ell (L): Using two perpendicular edges of a picture plane to create a L-shape frame that either surrounds or holds the objects of interest.
- S or compound curve (S): Using a S-shape curve to lead the eyes to the objects of interest or to create dynamic in a picture.
- Radiating (R): Using lines that converge to a point that emphasizes the objects of interest. Frequently used in one-point perspective drawing.
- Cross (+): Vertical lines cross horizontal lines.
- Horizontal overlapping (Z): Spreading of horizontal regions from bottom of a picture.
- Repeated vertical (II): Many vertical objects that spread from left to right or by depth of a picture.
- Pattern repeating (Y): Repeating of a same pattern to emphasize the pattern.
- Symmetry/Reflection (X): Symmetry over a vertical or horizontal line.
- Extreme horizon (_): Using an extreme low/high horizon line.
- Covering (C): An elevated view from above in which there is a curved shape (e.g., full or half circle, eclipse shape) that surrounds a picture.
- Group mass (M): A macro view of the object of interest in a picture.
- Pyramid (^): Composed of a flat plane at the front side (bottom of a picture) and a triangular object perpendicular to the plane at the back side (top of a picture).
- Three-spot or triangle (V): Using relative relations between three objects to create a balancing sense in a picture.