- User can’t access the page for administrator only
- Have to be a nav bar for every page :::
type1 => |首頁|活動列表|註冊|登入|
type2 => |首頁|活動列表|登出| ==> Administer, User Login
++Need to be discuss++
- The position of Logout
- |首頁|活動列表|User_account|登出|
- |首頁|活動列表|登出| :::info when push logout have to pop up a window to confirm log out :::
:::warning Red Requirements for Administer :::
url: /
Title: 最新公告
- |Posted Time1| Title1 | |Posted Time1| Title1 | |Posted Time1| Title1 |
- |新增公告| |Posted Time| Title | Delete button|
After push del button need pop-up window
Click Title to Detail
- [ ]button
- [ ]block
- [ ]hyperlink
Bonus : provide function to delete multi-annc
- The way to show the detail content, like Twitter, Facebook or tabs?
-- url: /anncs -- url: /anncs/id <== ? -- Format:
- Title
- Posted Time
- Content
-- Content: Text, image, support markdown
-- url: /anncs/add -- Format
- Title
- Content
- 🔲 Post 🔲 Cancel
-- Record Post time when push Post button -- Redirect to home?
-- url: /anncs/delete -- Redirect to home -- Show delete success or not
-- url: /anncs/edit -- Format:
- Title
- Content
- 🔲 Save 🔲 Cancel
-- Renew Time ???
-- url: /events --Title: 活動列表 -- Format:
- User View
項目 | 規則 | 報名 |
足球 | 踢球 | 報名按鈕 |
- Admin View
項目 | 規則 | 報名 | 操作 |
足球 | 踢球 | 報名按鈕 | Edit_but, Status_but, Del_but |
-- url: /events/status -- Title: 報名狀況 -- Format:
隊伍名稱 | 隊伍成員 |
TeamA | 學號 名字 |
Event2 name
-- url: /events/add
-- Format:
- 活動名稱
- 活動日期
- 隊伍限制
- 每隊人數限制
- 發佈_but 取消_but
-- Bonus: Add more features
-- url: /events/edit -- Format:
- 活動名稱
- 活動日期
- 隊伍限制
- 每隊人數限制
- 儲存_but 取消_but
-- url: /events/delete -- Pop up a window to confirm -- After delete, redirect to /events -- Notify delete success or not -- Bonus: is_delete to recover
-- url: /events/signup -- Format: 活動名稱
:::info Block to remind event limit :::
-->隊伍名稱 -->隊伍人員
隊員學號 | 姓名 | |
03xxxxx | xxx | 修改_btn 取消_btn |
欄位 | 新增隊員_btn |
-- Design a way to avoid typo, like type student_id then auto show up/fill student name
-- Check if the team limit of the event
-- Bonus:
- Sent email to all team memebers after sign up
- Admin can sign up for others and ignore rules
-- url: /events/signup/delete -- cancel btn clicked, pop a new window to confirm -- redirect to /events -- notify cancellation success or not
-- url: /events/signup/edit -- Editable by Admin and User -- Fileds like Sign up Event -- prefill the origin info -- Check team members limit -- Avoid wrong student id -- Edit btn and Cancel btn
Where to del and edit
-- url: /register -- Fomat
- 學號
- 信箱
- 密碼
- 確認密碼
- 驗證碼(design ourselves)
- 註冊btn 取消btn
-- redirect to home(/) -- Bonus:
- auto generate string and send email to user and user have to fill the string sent
- after regist, auto generate unique link to verify
--url: /login -- Format:
- 學號
- 密碼
-- Password must be encrypt -- Bonus:
- password in db be hashed
--url: /logout -- Just a button -- Redirect to home(/)