My Personal Website (
This repository contains my personal website and blog, The front-end code lives within the theme directory and the blog articles live within the website directory.
This repository uses Yarn workspaces to separate the theme code from the content.
To install, use Yarn. From the root, do:
To work on the theme, open the /theme
directory in an editor and run the following command to preview the website using localhost
yarn workspace develop
I use HTTPS and SSL in my local development environment. A command is available for that, but you'll need to add SSL certificates to /
. I use mkcert to generate self-signed certificates.
After adding
to your certs directory, use the following command to develop on
yarn workspace develop:https
# Or the shorcut
yarn develop
The unit tests are in the gatsby-theme-chrisvogt workspace. To run unit tests in watch mode or update snapshot tests, use the test:watch command.
yarn workspace gatsby-theme-chrisvogt test:watch
# Or the shortcut
yarn test:watch
To run the unit tests once, just use test.
yarn workspace gatsby-theme-chrisvogt test
# Or the shortcut
yarn test
To build the production website, run the following.
yarn workspace build
The website build will be output to /
The production build can be run on your local machine over HTTPS if you generate self-signed certificates, which I did using mkcert. You can use a tool like http-server to serve the build.
http-server -o -S -C ../certs/ -K ../certs/ -a -p 443
Copyright © 2019-2025 Chris Vogt and released under the MIT license.