Nucleus is a lightweight web component library that leverages Custom Elements.
Nucleus provides a simple way to register custom DOM elements, bind to their lifecycle and handle events.
- Multiple component instances!
- Lifecycle hooks for free
- Property bindings
- Components are just DOM elements
Nucleus has a dependency on JQuery, Lodash and a Custom Elements Polyfill.
Nucleus.Component('my-element', {
created: function() {
// component created
attached: function() {
// component added to DOM
detached: function() {
// component removed from DOM
attributeChanged: function(attrName, oldVal, newVal) {
// attribute changed using element.setAttribute()
Nucleus.Component('my-element', {
events: {
'click': 'handleClick',
'click .class-selector': 'handleChildClick'
handleClick: function() {
// do stuff here
handleChildClick: function() {
// do more stuff here
Nucleus.Component('my-element', {
properties: {
name: String,
age: Number,
location: {
type: String,
default: "San Francisco"
stats: Object
nameChanged: function() {
<my-element name="Christos" age="32" stats='{"data": "goes here"}'></my-element>
Nucleus.Component('x-button', {
extends: 'button'
<button is="x-button">Submit</button>