- mkdir name-of-directory --- (making the file you're gonna do stuff in)
- cd name-of-directory --- (to go into it)
- mkdir server --- (a nice new server folder)
- touch .gitignore --- (blocks some crap from some crap)
- cd server --- (changes your working directory to this)
- mkdir public --- (public folder)
- touch server.js --- (a file of important javascrip things n' stuff)
- cd public --- (move into the public directory)
- touch index.html --- (here's your main html page!)
- mkdir scripts --- (here's a folder for your javascript you'll source)
- mkdir vendors --- (here's a folder for jQuery)
- mkdir styles --- (and, finally, a folder for your CSS )
- cd .. --- (goes up one level)
- cd .. --- (you've now gone UP two levels)
- code . --- (open all that stuff up in VS Code!)
- style.css to your styles directory
- client.js to your scripts directory
- jQuery (wherever you paste it from) into your vendors directory
- npm init --yes
- this initializes your PACKAGE JSON
- the --yes answers YES to all questions (a few will come in if you don't include this)
- npm init --yes
You SUDDENTLY have a file called package.json in your little tree on the left in VS Code!! Open 'er up.
npm install express
npm install pg
This will do some stuff to your tree and will drop a version at the bottom of your package.json file (mine says some crap ending with "express": "^4.17.1").
When we started using servers, we used type THIS stuff...
Now that we are using fancy databases and stuff, we do something more like THIS.