The energy test is a method for determining if two samples orginate from the same underlying distribution. This implimention can efficiently make use of multiple CPUs, with support for using scaled permutations as described in JINST 13 (2018) no.04, P04011.
For an implimentation that can be used with NVIDIA GPUs, which may be faster for unscaled calculations with large samples (> 10⁷ points), see Manet.
This assumes gcc has been installed using homebrew.
g++-7 -o energy_test -std=c++1z -O3 -march=native -Wall -I. energy_test.cpp -fopenmp
source /cvmfs/
g++ -o energy_test -std=c++1z -O3 -march=native -Wall -I. energy_test.cpp -fopenmp
source /cvmfs/
g++ -o energy_test -std=c++1z -O3 -Wall -I. energy_test.cpp -fopenmp
The data is assumed to be in space separated text files and a script is included can create a suitable file (assuming root_pandas
in installed):
./ --input-fn=data/raw/sample0.root --output-fn-D0=data/csv/sample0-d0.csv --output-fn-D0bar=data/csv/sample0-d0bar.csv
Run the energy test for the input data only:
time ./energy_test sample1.csv sample2.csv
Run the energy test for the input data only, limiting the input files to 10000 events:
time ./energy_test --max-events=10000 sample1.csv sample2.csv
Run the energy test with permutations for 10000 points from sample 1 and 11000 points from sample 2:
time ./energy_test --max-events-1=10000 --max-events-2=11000 --n-permutations=100 sample1.csv sample2.csv