To use the library in your maven managed project, simply add the following to your pom.xml
<id>public</id> <!-- or whatever id you want -->
<version>${lastfmapi.version}</version> <!-- Replace with desired version -->
To create a new Instance of the LastfmWebServices simply do the following:
String apiKey = "yourapikey";
String apiSecret = "yourapisecret";
LastfmWebServices ws = new DefaultLastfmWebServices(apiKey, apiSecret);
To perform requests you can then use this instance:
List<User> getAllFriends(String userName, LastfmWebServices ws) throws LastfmWebServicesException {
List<User> friends = new ArrayList<User>();
PaginatedResult<List<User>> result = ws.fetch(User.getFriends(userName, null, null, 1));
while (result.hasMorePages()) {
result = ws.fetch(User.getFriends(userName, null, null, result.getNextPage()));
return friends;