Dependency injection of statefull Services for Redux Boot, using the Cartola dependency container.
API's Service Creator
// @file: /modules/api/serviceCreators.js
import superagentUse from 'superagent-use'
import superagent from 'superagent'
// Universal CMS API Service.
export const cmsApi = ({ host, key }) => {
const request = superagentUse(superagent)
request.use(req => {
// Prefix the host in the url.
req.url = host + '/' + req.url
// Presets the Authorization Barer for all requests.
req.set('Authorization', 'Barer ' + key)
return req
return request
API Module
// @file: /modules/api/index.js
import { CONTAINER_INIT } from 'redux-boot-services'
import { cmsApi } from './serviceCreators'
export default {
middleware: {
[CONTAINER_INIT]: store => next => action => {
// Define the Service.
const { container } = action.payload
container.defineService(cmsApi, {
host: 'https://localhost',
key: '3asd765a7sd5'
return next(action)
// Fetch User action.
const FETCH_USER = 'redux-boot/api/user/FETCH'
const FETCH_USER_SUCCESS = 'redux-boot/api/user/FETCH_SUCCESS'
const FETCH_USER_FAILED = 'redux-boot/api/user/FETCH_FAILED'
export const fetchUserAction = userId => async ({ dispatch, getService }) => {
dispatch({ type: FETCH_USER, payload: { userId } })
try {
// Here's the magic.
const client = getService(cmsApi)
const { body: user } = await client.get('users/' + userId)
return {
payload: { user },
catch (error) {
dispatch({ type: FETCH_USER_FAILED, payload: { error } })
Boot the App
// @file: /index.js
import boot from 'redux-boot'
import servicesModule from 'redux-boot-services'
import apiModule, { fetchUserAction } from './modules/api'
const modules = [servicesModule, apiModule]
const app = boot({}, modules)
app.then(({ store }) => {
const userId = 42