An expression parser and evaluator for infix mathematical expressions. Can be used to parse expressions into expression trees. It can then evaluate these trees. It uses the Shunting Yard Algorithm for converting a vector of tokens (obtained by the lexer) to construct the tree.
The REPL can be built using the makefile's repl target.
> make repl
the REPL is exited nicely by simply entering 'q' as the input.
#include "expr.hxx"
int main(void) {
std::string expr = "40 + (1 + 1)";
Expr_Tree* tree = Parse(expr);
std::cout << expr << " = " << tree->eval() << std::endl;
> 40 + (1 + 1) = 42
implicit multiplication is supported
std::string expr = "5(2 + 1)";
Expr_Tree* tree = Parse(expr);
std::cout << expr << " = " << tree->eval() << std::endl;
> 5(2 + 1) = 15
std::string expr = "x + 1";
Expr_Tree* tree = Parse(expr);
tree->set_var("x", 41.0);
std::cout << expr << " = " << tree->eval() << std::endl;
> x + 1 = 42
Functions must be of the form
typedef float (* function)(float);
The Tokenizer recognizes functions as identifiers with a preceeding '(' character.
Function identifiers are associated with pointers to functions in the Expression Tree's fns field (a std::unordered_map<std::string, function>). At the moment, only functions of a single variable are supported. In the fututure multivariable functions are likely to be supported.
#include <math.h>
std::string expr = "e^(sin((1/2) - (100/200)))";
Expr_Tree* tree = Parse(expr);
tree->set_fun("sin", &sin);
tree->set_var("e", std::exp(1.0));
std::cout << expr << " = " << tree->eval() << std::endl;
> e^(sin((1/2) - (100/200))) = 1
float succ(float x) {
return x + 1.0;
std::string expr = "succ(x)";
Expr_Tree* tree = Parse(expr);
tree->set_var("x", 41.0);
tree->set_fun("succ", &succ);
std::cout << expr << " = " << tree->eval() << std::endl;
> succ(x) = 42
By default expr defines a standard library of functions and constants which can be loaded into any Expr_Tree.
Expr_tree* tree = Parse("ln(e^2)");
// load in the constants and functions defined in the standard library
std::cout << "ln(e^2)" << " = " << tree->eval() << std::endl;
> ln(e^2) = 2
Currently the standard library defines the following functions
Identifier | Pointer | Defined In |
sin | sinf | math.h |
cos | cosf | math.h |
tan | tanf | math.h |
log | logf | math.h |
ln | logf | math.h |
log2 | log2f | math.h |
log10 | log10 | math.h |
sinh | sinh | math.h |
cosh | cosh | math.h |
tanh | tanh | math.h |
exp | expf | math.h |
ceil | ceilf | math.h |
floor | floorf | math.h |
abs | fabs | math.h |
sqrt | sqrtf | math.h |
cbrt | cbrtf | math.h |
and the following constants
Identifier | Definition |
pi | M_PI |
e | M_E |
Expr_Tree objects can be compiled to LaTeX. For example,
std::string expr = "e^(sin((1/2) - (100/200)))";
Expr_Tree* twee = Parse(expr);
std::cout << "LaTeX: " << twee->latex(0) << std::endl;
> LaTeX: e^{sin(\frac{1}{2}-\frac{100}{200})}
which looks correct.
the integer parameter controls the decimal precision when printing floating point nodes.
Expr can reduce expressions.
std::string expr = "e^(sin((1/2) - (100/200)))";
std::unique_ptr<Expr_Tree> tree(Parse(expr));
std::cout << "Original Expression: "
<< tree->latex(0) << std::endl;
Expr_Tree* simplified = tree->simplify();
std::cout << "Simplified Expression: "
<< simplified->latex(0) << std::endl;
Original Expression: e^{sin(\frac{1}{2}-\frac{100}{200})}
Simplified Expression: 1
constant subtrees (subtrees without variable nodes) are precomputed during simplification. Certain reduction rules are implemented, for example: if a multiplication node's right or left subtrees is constant and is equal to 0, the entire tree is replaced with a node containing a 0.
( * ) L=0||R=0 ( 0 )
/ \ ====> / \
Expr_Tree* tree = Parse("cos(x + 2)/(1 + 2 + 3 + 4 + (10/2))");
Expr_Tree* simplified = tree->simplify();
std::cout << simplified->latex(0);
> \frac{cos(x+2)}{15}
std::string expr = "1 + 1";
> 1 1 +
#include "lexer.hxx"
int main(void) {
std::string expr = "40 + (1 + 1)";
Lexer lx = Lexer(expr);
Token<Type: Num | Lexeme: 40>
Token<Type: Sum | Lexeme: +>
Token<Type: lp | Lexeme: (>
Token<Type: Num | Lexeme: 1>
Token<Type: Sum | Lexeme: +>
Token<Type: Num | Lexeme: 1>
Token<Type: rp | Lexeme: )>