Computer Vision Based System to read the numbers in an Ishihara Plate test
Under systems like Debian 10 with Cinnamon DE an issues with gtk is present, if that happens to you go to the
file and add:
gi.require_version("Gtk", "2.0")
to fix the issue. Any gi/gtk issues can be traced to that missing/extra line depending from your installation.
- Local maxima method to extract the dominant colors per each plate
- Various OCR algorithm such as:
- kNN
- Area matching
See here for more informations
-h, --help
Displays this help
-k, --ocr <type>
Select the type of ocr
-t, --train
Trains the ocr
-s, --size <int>
Selects the size of the train set [default = 2]
-l, --load <file>
Loads the trained file
-d, --dump <file>
Saves the trained data
-v, --verbose
Verbose prints
Enables debug features
-a, --accuracy <int>
Calculates the accuracy
-c, --char <char>
Specify the char to test
Enables gkt fixes for debian 10 and OpenCV 3.something
Produce no output
-j <json file>
Select ocr modules file
-p, --show
Show the images and the internal elaboration passages
- the default test one, will not return a resultsift
- the sift ocr implementation will be run, only -t is supported and -l, -d may not be used.knn
- the knn ocr will be run, it will require either a data set passed via -l or to generate one via -t.svm
- the svm ocr will be run, it will require either a data set passed via -l or to generate one via-t.sksvm
- the sksvm ocr will be run, it will require either a data set passed via -l or to generate onevia -t.gnb
- the gnb ocr will be run, it will require either a data set passed via -l or to generate one via -t.area
- the area ocr will be run, only -t is supported and -l, -d may not be used.sad
- the sad ocr will be run, only -t is supported and -l, -d may not be used.ssd
- the ssd ocr will be run, only -t is supported and -l, -d may not be used
Training a kNN on a 10 sized train set and checking the accuracy with30 generated images for two consecutive times
$ python3 -k knn -d data_set -t -s 10 -a 30 --verbose
$ python3 -k knn -l data_set -a 30 --verbose
Run to detect the number 0 in a generated ishihara plate with area matching
$ python3 -k area -t --char 0 --verbose --show
Run to calculate accuracy with 10 images in a generated ishihara plate with area matching
$ python3 -k area -t --accuracy 10 --verbose --show
It's also possible to generate custom Ishiara plates for testing. To do that run
-h, --help
Displays this help
-g, --glyph <glyph>
Render the given glyph
bg <comma separated hex>
Uses the given colors for the background (e.g "0x000000, 0xAAAAAA")
-fg <comma separated hex>
Uses the given colors for the foreground
-v, --verbose
Verbose prints
<file name>
Will be saved as a .PNG regardless
This program was made for a Computer Vision course in a Master Degree in Computer Engineering by:
- davidegiordano [[email protected]]
- chkrr00k [[email protected]]
(Code was discussed before actual implementation, don't consider commit numbers as an indication of work done per person)