jQuery Plugin for search boxes to provide special actions. These actions are either shown when a regular expression matches, or always.
You should specify the actions from most specific to least specific to get the most relevant actions on top.
- jQuery (http:/www.jquery.com)
'actions':[{'test':null, 'title':'Search (default)', 'action':'TODO'},
{'test':/^test/, 'title':'Checks for test at beginning', 'action':'TODO'}]
actions: [ // Actions to provide?
{'test':[Regex or Null],
'title':'Text to display', // You use {0} to display the current search string.
'help':'Help text', // This setting is optional. If specified it is displayed instead of the test Regex.
'action':function(item, val)} // Function to execute, the item parameter contains the list-item,
// the val parameter contains the input elements value
delay: int, // Delay in milliseconds until the popup is shown.
help: bool, // Display help at the end of the box? default: true
strings: dict // See "Localizable strings"
markfrist: bool // Automatically mark the first item in list?
List of localizable strings with default values...
'default_text':'Always available: ',
'help':'Available shortcuts',