LaTeX2e with Japanese for your environment
- Linux - Install from usual software source of your distribution or install Tex Live
- Mac OS X - Install Mac Tex
- Windows - Install via Texインストーラ3
Fork this repository to your account. When you push your changes to the forked repository, this repository provides URL to download your thesis PDF file.
Change command paths in Makefile to match your environment. If you are using Mac Tex, only thing you should do is that append TexLive "bin" directory to your "PATH" environement variable like below.
export PATH = $PATH:/usr/local/texlive/20xx/bin/x86_64-darwin
Additionary, if you are using Mac Tex, you should add a configuration below into your latex configuration file (like "/usr/local/texlive/texmf-local/web2c/texmf.cnf", this file may not exists at first) in order to create bounding box information file for images automatically.
shell_escape_commands = \
- Latex files to edit is exists under the "src" directory.
- Use files under the "bib" directory to list citations.
When you run GNU Make on the root directory of this repository, the command will produce the PDF file like "thesis.pdf".
$ make
Now, you can publish your thesis on the internet and share it to requiest reviews. To do this, just commit all changes on your directory and push it to your forked directory.
$ git add -u
$ git commit -m "Your commit message here."
$ git push origin gh-pages:gh-pages
Anyone can download and review your newest thesis on http://your_github_username.github.io/thesis/thesis.pdf now!