Releases: chetanmeh/incubator-openwhisk
Releases · chetanmeh/incubator-openwhisk
OpenWhisk Standalone with Playground
Dev build with apache#4686
OpenWhisk Standalone with User Events
v0.13 Update the OpenWhisk module list (#4384)
OpenWhisk Standalone with CouchDB
0.12 Update the OpenWhisk module list (#4384)
OpenWhisk Standalone with Api Gateway
OpenWhisk standalone server with api gateway support apache#4571
$ wget
$ java -jar openwhisk-standalone.jar --api-gw
OpenWhisk Standalone Server
OpenWhisk standalone enables running a minimal OpenWhisk (with in memory store) as a runnable jar outside of docker.
See apache#4516 for more details
$ wget
$ java -jar openwhisk-standalone.jar
Above steps would launch the standalone server. Then configure the wsk
wsk property set --apihost 'http://localhost:3233' \
--auth '23bc46b1-71f6-4ed5-8c54-816aa4f8c502:123zO3xZCLrMN6v2BKK1dXYFpXlPkccOFqm12CdAsMgRU4VrNZ9lyGVCGuMDGIwP'
Now can try out the samples
Known Issues
None so far!