- Notations and derivatives of the Error-State Kalman Filter are from the paper: http://www.iri.upc.edu/people/jsola/JoanSola/objectes/notes/kinematics.pdf
- Majority of the codes in this repository are from the reference implementation (along with the test data) of https://github.com/je310/ESKF, but are modified for just focusing on the basic understanding of the ESKF theory.
- Personal understanding of the ESKF theory is stated here (in Chinese): https://www.jianshu.com/p/531e91f87931. Just personal...
- Appreciate any bug reports.
- install the Eigen3
- mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
make -j8
cd to ESKF_toy/bin
./ESKF_toy ../dataset/gentleWave/ ../evaluation/result/