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Sequence template (#5)
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* init impl for sequence template

* add dynamic type id

* update to 0.5.9

* docstring for template term
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chengchingwen authored Sep 18, 2022
1 parent 77e6d51 commit 98c5e6e
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Showing 3 changed files with 278 additions and 1 deletion.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion Project.toml
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@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
name = "TextEncodeBase"
uuid = "f92c20c0-9f2a-4705-8116-881385faba05"
authors = ["chengchingwen <[email protected]> and contributors"]
version = "0.5.8"
version = "0.5.9"

FuncPipelines = "9ed96fbb-10b6-44d4-99a6-7e2a3dc8861b"
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218 changes: 218 additions & 0 deletions src/utils.jl
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Expand Up @@ -523,3 +523,221 @@ function _nested2batch!(arr, offset, x::AbstractArray{>:AbstractArray})
error("Input array is mixing array and non-array elements")

# Sequence template

abstract type TemplateTerm{T} end
Abstract type for term used in [`SequenceTemplate`](@ref).
abstract type TemplateTerm{T} end

InputTerm{T}(type_id = 1)
A `TemplateTerm` that take out a sequence from the input.
struct InputTerm{T} <: TemplateTerm{T}
InputTerm{T}(type_id = 1) where T = new{T}(type_id)

IndexInputTerm{T}(idx::Int, type_id = 1)
A `TemplateTerm` that take the `idx`-th sequence of the input. If the `IndexInputTerm` is also the `idx`-th
input related term in a [`SequenceTemplate`](@ref), it behave the same as [`InputTerm`](@ref).
struct IndexInputTerm{T} <: TemplateTerm{T}
IndexInputTerm{T}(idx, type_id = 1) where T = new{T}(idx, type_id)

ConstTerm(value::T, type_id = 1)
A `TemplateTerm` that simply put `value` to the output sequence.
struct ConstTerm{T} <: TemplateTerm{T}
ConstTerm(value, type_id = 1) = ConstTerm{typeof(value)}(value, type_id)

RepeatedTerm(terms::TemplateTerm...; dynamic_type_id = false)
A special term that indicate the `terms` sequence can appear zero or multiple times. Cannot be nested.
If `dynamic_type_id` is set, each repeat would add an offset value to the type id of those repeat `terms`.
The offset value if the number of repetiton, starting form `0`, times `dynamic_type_id`.
struct RepeatedTerm{T, Ts<:Tuple{Vararg{TemplateTerm{T}}}} <: TemplateTerm{T}
function RepeatedTerm(terms::Tuple{Vararg{TemplateTerm{T}}}, dynamic_type_id = false) where T
@assert length(terms) >= 1 "No TemplateTerm provided."
@assert !any(Base.Fix2(isa, RepeatedTerm), terms) "Cannot nest RepeatedTerm"
return new{T, typeof(terms)}(terms, dynamic_type_id)
RepeatedTerm(terms::TemplateTerm...; dynamic_type_id = false) = RepeatedTerm(terms, dynamic_type_id)

Constructing a function by multiple `TemplateTerm` that indicate how to combine the input `sequences`. Return
a tuple of the result sequence and a type id (a special number associated with the template term) sequence.
# Example
julia> SequenceTemplate(ConstTerm(-1), InputTerm{Int}(), ConstTerm(-2))(1:5)[1] == TextEncodeBase.with_head_tail(1:5, -1, -2)
julia> SequenceTemplate(ConstTerm(-1), InputTerm{Int}(), ConstTerm(-2))(1:5)
([-1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, -2], [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
julia> bert_template = SequenceTemplate(
ConstTerm("[CLS]", 1), InputTerm{String}(1), ConstTerm("[SEP]", 1),
RepeatedTerm(InputTerm{String}(2), ConstTerm("[SEP]", 2))
SequenceTemplate{String}([CLS]:<type=1> Input:<type=1> [SEP]:<type=1> (Input:<type=2> [SEP]:<type=2>)...)
julia> bert_template(["hello", "world"])
(["[CLS]", "hello", "world", "[SEP]"], [1, 1, 1, 1])
julia> bert_template(["hello", "world"], ["today", "is", "a", "good", "day"])
(["[CLS]", "hello", "world", "[SEP]", "today", "is", "a", "good", "day", "[SEP]"], [1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2])
struct SequenceTemplate{T, Ts<:Tuple{Vararg{TemplateTerm{T}}}} <: Function
function SequenceTemplate(terms::Tuple{Vararg{TemplateTerm{T}}}) where T
@assert length(terms) >= 1 "No TemplateTerm provided."
@assert count(Base.Fix2(isa, RepeatedTerm), terms) <= 1 "RepeatedTerm can only appear at most once."
return new{T, typeof(terms)}(terms)
SequenceTemplate(terms::TemplateTerm...) = SequenceTemplate(terms)

function process_term!(term::InputTerm, output, type_ids, i, j, terms, xs)
@assert j <= length(xs) "InputTerm indexing $j-th input but only get $(length(xs))"
x = xs[j]
append!(output, x)
append!(type_ids, Iterators.repeated(term.type_id, length(x)))
return j + 1

function process_term!(term::IndexInputTerm, output, type_ids, i, j, terms, xs)
idx = term.idx
@assert idx <= length(xs) "IndexInputTerm indexing $idx-th input but only get $(length(xs))"
x = xs[idx]
append!(output, x)
append!(type_ids, Iterators.repeated(term.type_id, length(x)))
return idx == j ? j + 1 : j

function process_term!(term::ConstTerm, output, type_ids, i, j, terms, xs)
push!(output, term.value)
push!(type_ids, term.type_id)
return j

function process_term!(term::RepeatedTerm, output, type_ids, i, j, terms, xs)
r_terms = term.terms
dynamic_type_id = term.dynamic_type_id
n = count(Base.Fix2(isa, InputTerm), terms[i+1:end])
J = length(xs) - n
type_id_offset = 0
while j <= J
type_id_start = length(type_ids) + 1
_j = j
for (t_i, term_i) in enumerate(r_terms)
j = process_term!(term_i, output, type_ids, t_i, j, r_terms, xs)
_j == j && error("RepeatedTerm doesn't seem to terminate")
type_id_end = length(type_ids)
dynamic_type_id != 0 && (type_ids[type_id_start:type_id_end] .+= type_id_offset)
type_id_offset += dynamic_type_id
return j

apply_template(st::SequenceTemplate) = Base.Fix1(apply_template, st)
function apply_template(st::SequenceTemplate{T}, xs) where T
terms = st.terms
len = length(xs)
n_input = count(Base.Fix2(isa, InputTerm), terms)
@assert len >= n_input "SequenceTemplate require at least $n_input but only get $len"

output = Vector{T}()
type_ids = Vector{Int}()

j = 1
for (i, term) in enumerate(terms)
j = process_term!(term, output, type_ids, i, j, terms, xs)
@assert j > len "SequenceTemplate only take $(j-1) inputs but get $len"
return output, type_ids

## static single sample
(st::SequenceTemplate{T})(xs::AbstractVector{T}...) where T = apply_template(st, xs)
(st::SequenceTemplate{T})(xs::Tuple{Vararg{AbstractVector{T}}}) where T = apply_template(st, xs)
(st::SequenceTemplate{T})(xs::AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{T}}) where T = apply_template(st, xs)

## static multiple sample
(st::SequenceTemplate{T})(xs::AbstractArray{<:AbstractVector{<:AbstractVector{T}}}) where T = map(apply_template(st), xs)

## dynamic
function (st::SequenceTemplate{T})(xs::AbstractArray) where T
aoa, aov = allany(Base.Fix2(isa, AbstractArray), xs)
if aoa
if all(Base.Fix1(all, Base.Fix2(isa, T)), xs) # dynamic single sample
# xs is an array of sequence
return apply_template(st, xs)
elseif all(Base.Fix1(all, Base.Fix2(isa, AbstractArray)), xs) # dynamic multiple sample
# xs is an array of array of array
return map(st, xs)
throw(MethodError(st, xs))
elseif aov # dynamic single sample
# xs is a sequence
!all(Base.Fix2(isa, T), xs) && throw(MethodError(st, xs)) # assert eltype of sequence == T
return apply_template(st, (xs,))
throw(MethodError(st, xs))

_show(io, t::InputTerm) = print(io, "Input:<type=$(t.type_id)>")
_show(io, t::IndexInputTerm) = print(io, "Input[$(t.idx)]:<type=$(t.type_id)>")
_show(io, t::ConstTerm) = print(io, "$(t.value):<type=$(t.type_id)>")
function _show(io, t::RepeatedTerm)
print(io, '(')
_show(io, first(t.terms))
for term in Base.tail(t.terms)
print(io, ' ')
_show(io, term)
if iszero(t.dynamic_type_id)
print(io, ")...")
print(io, ")<type+=$(t.dynamic_type_id)>...")
end, ::MIME"text/plain", st::SequenceTemplate) = show(io, st)
function, st::SequenceTemplate{T}) where T
print(io, "SequenceTemplate{", T, "}(")
_show(io, first(st.terms))
for term in Base.tail(st.terms)
print(io, ' ')
_show(io, term)
print(io, ')')
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions test/runtests.jl
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,6 +19,7 @@ using TextEncodeBase: AbstractTokenizer, AbstractTokenization,
TokenStages, Document, Sentence, Word, Token, Batch
using TextEncodeBase: getvalue, getmeta, updatevalue,
with_head_tail, trunc_and_pad, trunc_or_pad, nested2batch, nestedcall
using TextEncodeBase: SequenceTemplate, InputTerm, IndexInputTerm, ConstTerm, RepeatedTerm

using WordTokenizers

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -701,6 +702,64 @@ end

@test_throws DimensionMismatch nested2batch([[1:5], 2:6])

@testset "SequenceTemplate" begin
x = collect(1:5)
head_tail_template = SequenceTemplate(ConstTerm(-1), InputTerm{Int}(), ConstTerm(-2))
@test head_tail_template(x)[1] == with_head_tail(x, -1, -2)
@test nestedcall(x->x[1], head_tail_template(AbstractVector[[x], [1:5], [2:3]])) ==
map(x->x[1], with_head_tail(AbstractVector[[x], [1:5], [2:3]], -1, -2))
@test nestedcall(x->x[1], head_tail_template(Any[Any[x], [1:5], [2:3]])) ==
map(x->x[1], with_head_tail(Any[Any[x], [1:5], [2:3]], -1, -2))
@test nestedcall(x->x[1], head_tail_template(Any[Any[Any[0,1,2]]])) ==
with_head_tail(Any[Any[Any[0,1,2]]], -1, -2)[1]
@test_throws MethodError head_tail_template(Any[Any[x], 1:5, 2:3])
@test_throws Exception head_tail_template(Any[1:5, 2:3])
@test_throws Exception head_tail_template(Any[1:5, 2:3])
bert_template = SequenceTemplate(
ConstTerm("[CLS]", 1), InputTerm{String}(1), ConstTerm("[SEP]", 1),
RepeatedTerm(InputTerm{String}(2), ConstTerm("[SEP]", 2))
@test bert_template(["A"]) == (["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1])
@test bert_template(["A"], ["B"]) == (["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2])
@test bert_template(["A"], ["B"], ["C"]) ==
(["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]", "C", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2,2,2])
@test bert_template([["A"], ["B"]]) == (["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2])
@test bert_template([[["A"], ["B"]]]) == [(["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2])]
@test bert_template(Any[[["A"], ["B"]]]) == [(["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2])]
@test bert_template([Any[["A"], ["B"]]]) == [(["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2])]
@test bert_template([Any[Any["A"], Any["B"]]]) == [(["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2])]
@test bert_template(Any[Any[Any["A"], Any["B"]]]) == [(["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2])]
bert_template2 = SequenceTemplate(
ConstTerm("[CLS]", 1), InputTerm{String}(1), ConstTerm("[SEP]", 1),
RepeatedTerm(InputTerm{String}(2), ConstTerm("[SEP]", 2); dynamic_type_id = true)
@test bert_template2(["A"]) == (["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1])
@test bert_template2(["A"], ["B"]) == (["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2])
@test bert_template2(["A"], ["B"], ["C"]) ==
(["[CLS]", "A", "[SEP]", "B", "[SEP]", "C", "[SEP]"], [1,1,1,2,2,3,3])
trail_template = SequenceTemplate(
IndexInputTerm{Int}(1, 1), RepeatedTerm(InputTerm{Int}(2)), IndexInputTerm{Int}(1, 1)
@test trail_template([3,5]) == ([3,5,3,5], [1,1,1,1])
@test trail_template([3,5],[1,2,4]) == ([3,5,1,2,4,3,5], [1,1,2,2,2,1,1])
@test SequenceTemplate(RepeatedTerm(InputTerm{Int}(3); dynamic_type_id = 2))(1:1, 2:2) == ([1,2],[3,5])
multi_repeat_template = SequenceTemplate(
RepeatedTerm(InputTerm{Int}(3), ConstTerm(1, 5), InputTerm{Int}(7); dynamic_type_id = 2),
@test multi_repeat_template() == ([0,0],[1,9])
@test_throws AssertionError multi_repeat_template(1:2)
@test multi_repeat_template(1:2, 3:4) == ([0,1,2,1,3,4,0], [1,3,3,5,7,7,9])
@test_throws AssertionError multi_repeat_template(1:2,3:4,5:6)
@test multi_repeat_template(1:2, 3:4,5:6,7:8) == ([0,1,2,1,3,4,5,6,1,7,8,0], [1,3,3,5,7,7,5,5,7,9,9,9])

@test sprint(show, bert_template2) ==
"SequenceTemplate{String}([CLS]:<type=1> Input:<type=1> [SEP]:<type=1> (Input:<type=2> [SEP]:<type=2>)<type+=1>...)"
@test sprint(show, trail_template) ==
"SequenceTemplate{Int64}(Input[1]:<type=1> (Input:<type=2>)... Input[1]:<type=1>)"

@testset "Encoder" begin
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