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ofersk edited this page Oct 5, 2020 · 1 revision


What is it?
Quick Start

CxConfigProvider is a Java library that helps in handling configurations.
It can read configurations in JSON or YAML formats, and initialises a bean with the configuration.

  1. add cx-config-provider to your build path ( maven , gradle , or jar)
  2. create a bean that matches the configuration
  3. in your code get an instance of config provider
ConfigProvider configProvider = ConfigProvider.getInstance();
  1. initialize it with a ConfigReader
configProvider.init(uid, configReader)
  1. load the configuration into a bean
MyConfig myConfiguration = configProvider.getConfiguration(uid, myProperties.CONFIG_PREFIX, MyConfig.class);

to see what ConfigProvider can do, look at the scenarios

You can find published releases on Maven Central.

add the dependency to your pom.xml



mvn clean install

add dependency to build.gradle

dependencies {


gradlew clean build
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