Java Spring Boot SDK for Checkmarx
Maven artifacts are stored on Sonatype nexus repository manager (synced to maven central)
Note: Check maven version in current pom.xml
mvnw clean build
Note: add -DskipTests -Dgpg.skip flags to skip integration testing and gpg code signing (required for Sonatype)
Include the following dependency in your maven project
Include the following dependency in your maven project
In the main spring boot application entry endpoint the following package scan must be added: com.checkmarx.sdk
@SpringBootApplication(scanBasePackages={"com.checkmarx.sdk","xxxx.xxxx.xxxx", ...})
Inject the dependency of CxClient / CxAuthClient / CxOsaClient (WIP). This will inject the service bean to make calls to Checkmarx with
public class SampleComponent {
private static final Logger log = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(SampleComponent.class);
private final CxClient cxClient;
Checkmarx Specific properties are loaded from CxProperties class (config package).
version: 9.0 #default is 8.9
username: xxxxx
password: xxxxx
client-secret: xxxxx
base-url: http://cx.local
multi-tenant: true
configuration: Default Configuration
scan-preset: Checkmarx Default
team: \CxServer\SP\Checkmarx #team path separator is / in 9.0+
url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxrestapi
#WSDL Config
portal-url: ${checkmarx.base-url}/cxwebinterface/Portal/CxWebService.asmx
These values can be injected at runtime by using environment variables and/or command line parameters. See the following:
Note: The only required properties are username/password/base-url/team