Commonly used folders under my home directory include:
Contains development projects. Under this folder, projects are categorized by language or tool, e.g.: ~/dev/ruby
, ~/dev/c/
, ~/dev/python
, ~/dev/ansible
Contains my dotfile repo. A script inside the dotfile repo is used to symlink relevant files into the home directory.
Contains orgfiles
Contains writings - note that this is not documentation, such as this repository. That goes in...
Contains documentation.
Other people's projects. Contains all cloned repositories belonging to others. If I fork something, it goes under dev
Experiments and scratch projects. If I'm learning something and want a workspace without junking up dev, it goes here.
Infrastructure as code.
If a project is important enough, large enough or complex enough to warrant a more visible folder, I will put it under my home directory. E.G. chan
. If I'm rebooting a project I've done before, its better to append the current year to the project name, e.g. ~/dev/c/tartan-2020
Conventions for layout of projects, tool selections, use of github
I use github organizations to organize repositories:
- Metafork - forks and mirrors of others' projects
- Metastudies - example repositories, exercises
- Metadocuments - documentation and writing
- Metapyx - Unallocated
- Metaproblem - Unallocated
- chiromancy - Project templates
- quantsum - Unallocated